I recently had a one night stand and I’m afraid that I may have an STI, what should I do?
Despite our weird and twisted Americanized thoughts on sex, it is a perfectly natural and beautiful part of...
On Equal Pay Day, the Women’s Studies department hosted a salary negotiation workshop designed to instruct young men and women the importance of negotiation in bridging the gaps in salary across America....
Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer
• April 17, 2019
My best friend and I aren’t speaking. I largely feel like it’s her fault so should I wait for her to reach out to me or vice versa?
Even the closest of friends have disagreements or falling outs....
Jimmy O’Halloran, Contributing Writer
• April 15, 2019
Politicians are almost always criticized for being slow and ineffective in implementing change. In America, this stereotype is basically a running joke and has ended up ingrained in our perception of the...
Welcome to another edition of “Views from abroad,” lads and lassies. In key with last week's edition, I wanted to continue discussing the issue of diversity. Although, this week's issue of diversity...
A friend of mine has really bad hygiene. How do I go about breaking it to him?
We all know at least one person who could stand to take full advantage of a basic hygiene 101 lesson. Whether it's their...
We humans tend to wear words down, use them too much, fall into periodic routines. It is imperative we return to words that have lost their meaning in the chaos of our fast-paced lives and learn them all...
‘Ello lads and lassies and welcome to another edition of “Views from abroad.” This week I am spilling the tea – hopefully not the actual hot tea I am drinking right now – on the issue of diversification...
I’m more than halfway through with my sophomore year in college and I hate my major. What should I do?
Picking up and starting over in all instances can be terrifying. The best part about this time...
Jimmy O’Halloran, Contributing Writer
• April 1, 2019
It’s safe to say that most people want to do their best. Actually, most people probably want to do better than just their best: they want to do better than everyone else’s best. This rings especially...
Brexit has been looming in the back of everyone’s head throughout my entire experience studying abroad at the University of Stirling in Scotland. So, here is your "Brexit for dummies," “Views from...
Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer
• March 27, 2019
I’m not doing well in one of the classes that I need to graduate. How do I reach out to my professor this late in the semester?
There’s something about spring semester that’s just harder than the...