UNCW student publishes book, “Untold Truths”

Shea Lenkaitis | Staff Writer


Kenneth Gilliard, a junior at UNCW, just had his book, “Untold Truths,” published. It can be purchased on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com and will be available in bookstores soon.

“The idea to write ‘Untold Truths’ formed from stories that needed to be told, the unpopular taboo subjects that are rarely discussed but can and do happen in every society,” said Gilliard. He began writing his book during the summer of 2010 and finished at the end of spring 2011. 

Gilliard is not only a writer, but also a businessman in his own publishing process. “I took the self-publishing route, so I did not have an agent. I had to do all the grunt work like researching, e-mailing,and calling and asking questions myself. I enlisted the help of my best friend, Ernie Charles, who took on the role of my manager. He aided in the publishing process.”

Gilliard’s first book signing will be held on campus in The Upperman African American Cultural Center, which is located on the second floor of The Fisher University Union, Monday, Apr. 9 from 6-9 p.m.

“Untold Truths” is a story about a group of people whose lives are connected through the tragedies they face, like family problems, abuse, drugs and illness. The chapters in the book focus on different characters that are a part of the story, and each of their experiences of mainly one night are described, coming together to reveal the heart of the story.

The characters are forced to face many harsh realities, but Gilliard said, “This book was written to inspire, strengthen and to be a voice for those who can not muster up the sounds for help in their current situations.” This idea can clearly be seen throughout the book as readers witness the incredible strength of each character.

There are also poems intertwined with the story, which makes it more interesting to read. These poems show another one of Gilliard’s passions and each poem relates to the story, adding more depth and emotion.

Gilliard has also published a book of poetry, “To God be the Glory: The Poet Transformed,” and he is currently working on over 100 poems that he would like to form into two more books of poetry.

He is excited to begin marketing “Untold Truths” through word of mouth and social networking, and is currently working on the second book to this series. 

‘”Untold Truths” came to me in pieces, so I never knew the full story from beginning to end until I was finished writing it. I am looking forward to seeing what book two has to offer and will reveal,”  said Gilliard.

Links to his book can be found here:


