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The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The entrace of Cumberland Heights in Nashville, Tenn. (Cumberland Heights)

OP-ED: One day at a time—my battle with addiction

Grant Savage, Contributing Writer May 18, 2023
During this time, my mother and I learned a lot about our relationship. Not only was I abusing drugs, but I was also stealing and lying to her. Shortly before Cumberland Heights, she figured out that I withdrew $2,000 from her account. Law enforcement suggested filing charges against me, which she seriously considered. No charges were brought upon me but a 60-day stint in jail, courtesy of my mother, proved her point. These were topics talked about out loud during family week amongst all of the other participants. Learning about everyone else’s struggles with addiction helped shape my thinking for the rest of my stay at Cumberland Heights.
A student protester holds a sign outside of the Burney Center during the Razor Walker Awards ceremony.

OPINION: Dear Campus Community, are we overcoming adversity or enabling it?

Hannah Markov, Editor-in-Chief April 29, 2023
Dear Campus Community, It’s difficult for me to express myself thoroughly sometimes. As Editor-in-Chief, that may be strange to hear, but anger, disbelief and disappointment come easy when spoken or written off-handedly in a journal. However, to emulate those emotions in writing for you all is a whole different matter. Anger, disbelief and disappointment. How else can I describe the feeling of knowing my own university celebrated a bigot?
The automatic door button outside of The Shore Dining Hall. (Michael Friant/The Seahawk)

OPINION: A follow up on UNCW’s accessibility for neurodivergent students

Michael Friant, Staff Writer April 22, 2023
Accessibility should be a priority on UNCW's campus because of its status as a public institution. However, the more I move around the campus, the more apparent it becomes that the University is more concerned with aesthetics and saving money than accessibility. Before getting into the logistics of what I’ve been seeing recently, I want to address a meeting I had in lieu of the article I published last fall on accessibility design flaws on campus.

OPINION: Guess what? Your friends with disabilities want to get laid too!

Michael Friant, Staff Writer March 2, 2023

Exchanging glances, names, social media handles and numbers are just a few of the ways that our generation shows romantic interest. However, for someone who has a disability, these actions, whether done...

"Kenan House is the Historic Kenan House, home of UNCW's chancellor, is a 7,500-square-foot Neoclassical Revival dwelling constructed in 1911 and deeded to the university by the Kenan family in 1968. It stands on Market Street beside the Wise Alumni House."

OPINION: The hidden racist history of the Kenan House

Sophia Culler, Staff Writer March 1, 2023
Students are not expected to know the story behind every building owned by UNCW, but they should know the origins of the home where their Chancellor resides. The Chancellor’s home, also known as the Kenan House, has a history that is especially vital to learn during Black History Month. For the students and faculty who don’t know it, it’s time to go to school.
Of all the countries in the world, TikTok has proven to be most popular in the U.S., with a staggering 113.25 million users.

OPINION: TikTok takes a toll on self esteem

Peyton Dickerson, Staff Writer February 27, 2023
The idea of seeing this many people in one lifetime is still novel. It's important to remember that everyone is worthy of love and a good life no matter their appearance. Beauty is superficial—and fades—so character always stays most important.
Kanye West.

OPINION: Ye: The Anti-Semite of the Year

Hannah Markov, Editor-in-Chief December 21, 2022
If you support anti-Semitism, you support white supremacy. If you support Ye’s comments on Nazism and the Jewish people, you, by relation, support Nazism. If you support anti-Jewish rhetoric, you support the very same issue that has plagued this and most other countries for hundreds of years: racism.
Society has made Christmas into an extremely glamorized event that is easily capitalized off of.

Christmas advertisements fail to reflect holiday realities

Michael Friant, Staff Writer December 19, 2022
Holiday marketing should include everyone’s reality rather than just scanty picturesque moments. While advertisements and movies can continue promoting joyous holiday moments, they should also incorporate the less fortunate aspects of the holidays. Due to the lack of the former in media, many are unfortunately instilled with a sense of shame and guilt if their situations do not fit the Hollywood mold.

OPINION: Tony Hughes’ story in Netflix’s ‘Dahmer’ illustrates a tragic lack of connectivity for neurodivergents

Michael Friant, Contributing Writer November 15, 2022
People who are neurodivergent often discover that finding connectivity is almost impossible due to the ingrained ableism within our society. As a result, we tend to accept human connections wherever we can find them, and this unfortunately sets us up to be taken advantage of physically, mentally, emotionally or even psychologically. A perfect, yet tragic, example of this is the depiction of Tony Hughes’ encounter with Jeffery Dahmer in the popular Netflix series, Dahmer.

OPINION: The sexist views of the public on the Royal Family

Emmy Berger, Staff Writer October 15, 2022
When it comes to the royal family, the public has a long history of holding the wrong people accountable, primarily women. The only way this will be solved is by learning to change the narrative that men can break rules while women cannot.
This sign greets the able-bodied individuals when entering the school bookstore. The bookstore lacked in providing accessible access to necessary information.

OPINION: UNCW’s campus should be convenient for neurodivergent students

Michael Friant, Contributing Writer October 6, 2022
Whether or not we are neurotypical, we each have an inherent desire for convenience. However, UNCW’s campus is fundamentally designed for the convenience of specifically neurotypical students. As a result, neurodivergent students deal with a number of challenges on campus. As a person with cerebral palsy, there are many inconveniences that I have struggled with, and continue to struggle with, while navigating around UNCW’s campus.

OPINION: Olivia Wilde stirs controversy throughout ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ premiere

Annamarie Geosits, Photography Editor September 24, 2022
As Olivia Wilde prepares for her sophomore feature film directorial debut with “Don’t Worry Darling,” she aspires to match, or even surpass, the extremely positive audience reaction from her first feature, “Booksmart.” However, despite Wilde’s artistic credibility, the discourse following the film’s premiere at the Venice Film Festival, both public and critical, primarily concerns the drama between the main cast and director rather than the content of the film. Although there is no specific person to blame for the complete mess that was this film’s premiere, the different scandals all lead back to one common factor: Olivia Wilde herself. Although she could be to blame for the spectacle, one can't help but wonder if it would all be as big of a deal if the director was a man.
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