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The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The SheHawk: What the sitcom 'Friends' can teach us about unchecked sexism and why it matters

The SheHawk: What the sitcom ‘Friends’ can teach us about unchecked sexism and why it matters

Cierra Noffke, Contributing Writer March 25, 2019

It begins with six reasonably close friends lounging about in their favorite dusty coffee shop, telling stories. You can tell they are friends, but not very good ones just yet. You couldn’t see them,...

Views from abroad: We needed “Captain Marvel”

Views from abroad: We needed “Captain Marvel”

Veronica Wernicke, Assistant Opinion Editor March 21, 2019

'Ello and welcome back to this week's edition of “Views from abroad.” This week, I am very excited to be jumping into a particularly favorite topic of mine – no, not the Jonas Brothers again –...

Advice from Sally Seahawk 3/20/19

Advice from Sally Seahawk 3/20/19

Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer March 20, 2019

In my mind I’m still on Spring Break, how do I refocus myself to finish strong for the rest of the semester? Fall break and spring break are especially hard to recover from. They are long enough to...

The SheHawk: Inclusion is the new black

The SheHawk: Inclusion is the new black

Jimmy O’Halloran, Contributing Writer March 19, 2019

Fashion is everywhere. The hottest looks and the newest trends are omnipresent, from our social media timelines to our television screens. The ads on my Instagram for the latest sunnies or the current...

Views from abroad: Listen Again is great, but…

Views from abroad: Listen Again is great, but…

Veronica Wernicke, Assistant Opinion Editor March 14, 2019

Welcome to another edition of “Views from abroad.” This week, I am spilling the tea on a Canvas feature that my study abroad host school, the University of Stirling, uses called "Listen Again." As...

Views from abroad: The Jonas Brothers are back and we can all relate

Views from abroad: The Jonas Brothers are back and we can all relate

Veronica Wernicke, Assistant Opinion Editor March 7, 2019

Welcome back to another edition of “Views from Abroad,” where every week I serve up my thoughts on the current happenings and/or my current experience studying abroad in Scotland. For the past...

Advice from Sally Seahawk 3/6/19

Advice from Sally Seahawk 3/6/19

Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer March 6, 2019

A lot of my friends reach out to me for advice, however no one ever asks how I’m doing. I feel like I’m drowning. Seeing as I am literally in charge of the advice column, I'm sure that you can imagine...

Views from abroad: UNCW needs a 'Green and Blue Space'

Views from abroad: UNCW needs a ‘Green and Blue Space’

Veronica Wernicke, Assistant Opinion Editor February 28, 2019

For the most part, it is fair to refer to Wilmington and UNC Wilmington as a coastal, environmentally-friendly community. There have been several restaurants throughout Wilmington that have ditched plastic...

Advice from Sally Seahawk 2/27/19

Advice from Sally Seahawk 2/27/19

Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer February 27, 2019

I'm starting to feel tired all the time, and while I've completely given up on this semester already, I want to know how to make sure that I have a functional schedule next semester. Don't give up hope...

Advice from Sally Seahawk 2/20/19

Advice from Sally Seahawk 2/20/19

Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer February 20, 2019

Hey Sally! What’s a good way to combat microaggressions from friends who don’t know better? As defined by Merriam Webster, a microaggression is a comment or action that subtly and unintentionally...

Views from abroad: Homesickness is normal

Views from abroad: Homesickness is normal

Veronica Wernicke, Assistant Opinion Editor February 14, 2019

'Ello lads and lassies and welcome to another edition of "Views from abroad." This week, I want to address something we all have experienced: homesickness. I have been abroad for about five weeks now,...

Advice from Sally Seahawk: Valentine's Day edition

Advice from Sally Seahawk: Valentine’s Day edition

Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer February 13, 2019

How do you deal with having a thing for a close friend? I don't wanna mess up our chill relationship. The clear first step is figuring out how they feel about you or about relationships in general,...

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