Views from abroad: We needed “Captain Marvel”

Genevieve Guenther
‘Ello and welcome back to this week’s edition of “Views from abroad.” This week, I am very excited to be jumping into a particularly favorite topic of mine – no, not the Jonas Brothers again – Marvel, specifically the latest installment in their franchise, “Captain Marvel.”
The highly-anticipated movie, which has now been out for a week – strategically released on International Women’s Day – is the first in the Marvel franchise to be centered around a female superhero.
While we have seen the likes of Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Gamora, and the Wasp, none of these fierce (for a lack of a better word) female superheroes have had enough screen time for my taste, let alone their own stand-alone feature film.
Although, there is a Black Widow movie that is set to hit screens in the future, and I am beyond excited for that because I have been wishing for a Black Widow movie ever since I saw her in Avengers.
Audiences – specifically female audiences – have been just as eager for more female-centered superhero movies, and we are all eating up and loving “Captain Marvel.” In fact, Hollywood Reporter has even reported that “Captain Marvel” is still number one and has already grossed $760.2 million worldwide. Does this not just want to make you get up and dance?
Yes, I love a good movie about Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man – you get the gist – but for far too long, I waited to see myself in any superhero movie until “Wonder Woman,” and that is from the DC franchise. It is not fair that so many little boys got to live out their fantasies of being a superhero and seeing themselves onscreen, all the while little girls like myself got to be – were forced to be – love interests like Mary Jane Watson, Pepper Potts, and maybe a sidekick.
Not until recently has there been a shift from females being just the love interest to actually being more forefront superheroes like the ones I mentioned earlier.
Speaking of love interests, it was very refreshing to have a superhero movie, especially a female-centered one, that did not try and squeeze in a love story plot. Far too many movies that center around women revolves around her finding her true love.
It is 2019, and not every woman needs a significant other to fill in their plot. More often than not, the love plotline, especially in superhero movies, is occasionally cute but overdone and ultimately takes away from the overarching storyline.
In Marvel’s first independent female-centered superhero movie, a love story plotline was the last thing they needed and they succeeded in not making that mistake – at least for now. Instead, we got to just sit back in awe at a badass female superhero.
Far too many of the reviews I read before actually getting a chance to see “Captain Marvel” seemed to revolve around the basis that it was a good movie, but not a great movie. Their justification? Timing. “Captain Marvel” was released smack dab between the even more highly anticipated movies, “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame,” which is set to be released April 26.
While I somewhat agree the timing was not great, I also strongly disagree. What better time to release an empowering female-centered superhero movie than in 2019, where women are finally starting to get the respect we deserve? Just because you have the release of two other highly anticipated Marvel movies bearing down does not mean you cannot have a third highly-anticipated Marvel film.
Also, like every other Marvel movie, “Captain Marvel” helped fill in some key plot points throughout the entire Marvel franchise as well as set up the final Avengers movie, “Endgame.” Although, unlike other Marvel movies, the gaps filled-in during “Captain Marvel” were far more exciting, and I even found my jaw dropping – see how wonderful a female-centered superhero movie can be?
While I wish Marvel had not waited until 2019 to finally release a stand-alone, female-centered superhero movie, I am glad they finally did. And it sure did not disappoint. Not only is it a great film about a strong and empowering woman, but it is also a wonderful superhero movie in general.
As a young woman and superhero fan, I can proudly say we all needed “Captain Marvel.” So, Marvel, keep it up and do not stop bringing on and showcasing empowering female superheroes. I am definitely here for it.
Cheers from Scotland!