Dear campus community, New year, new Seahawk. I would like to welcome and welcome back all of our new and returning students to UNCW,...

To the Editor: Nearly everyone loves animals and wants what is best for them, but a certain restaurant is doing the exact opposite. McDonald's...

There was a groundbreaking celebration that board members, directors, and the chancellor attended. There were pictures taken of everyone standing...

To The Op-Ed Editor: As a 2020 candidate for the US Congress, I have been asked what my views are on "Women's Issues." You might want to consider...

To The Editor: I believe that the new "Democratic Socialist" members of the US Congress have their hearts and souls in the right place, but...

Photograph courtesy of the Office of University Relations. The Seahawk is proud to announce Helen Rogalski, managing editor of The...

To the Editor, Here is the big problem for Democrats: The Republicans are correct when they say that we have not had a new idea...
Dear Chancellor, members of the UNCW and UNC community, and members of the media: As someone who has followed the activities of Prof. Mike S....

The 2016 presidential election is behind us and many are surprised – some disappointed and others jubilant. Criticism of the Electoral College...
Dear UNCW,I am the instructional coach at D. C. Virgo Preparatory Academy here in New Hanover County. Our 7th graders were invited to your...
To whom it may concern,I, Erin Gallagher, am writing this open letter to express my particular disappointment over the recent removal of the...
Now that it has been reported that U.S. Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the suspected shooter in the Fort Hood attack, was a devout Muslim who...
During more than 30 years as a middle school counselor, one situation bothered me more than any other. I saw students sitting in the classroom...
Climate science is enormously complex, and irresponsible commentators like Patrick Buchanan (Oct. 17 Times column) hopelessly muddle the facts....