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The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

Shining stars of UNCW: meet the homecoming court of 2011

Lizz Wood | Staff Writer February 9, 2011

This year, five men and five women will compete for the title of homecoming king and queen. Homecoming week is Feb. 14-19, and polls are currently open to vote."The homecoming king and queen are chosen...

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ from lens eye view

Juliane Bullard | Assistant Layout Editor February 3, 2011

The cost of coming out as a lesbian is running $80,000 these days. Former University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill student Sara Isaacson can attest to that as she is being forced to pay back her ROTC...

Annual Schweitzer award presented to founder of Kids Making It

Sasha Johnson | Staff Writer November 17, 2010

The UNCW Honors Scholars Program will present the 2010 Albert Schweitzer Honors Scholar during a gathering of freshman honors seminar classes Thursday.  This year's recipient, Jimmy Pierce, is a man who...

Turkey-day disasters

The Working Mom by Kay Luna, from the Quad-City Times November 3, 2009

Hey, why don't they tell you to look in BOTH ends of the frozen turkey before you cook it (or do they, and I just ignored it???!!!)? Ha! Because I nearly cooked a plastic bag full of giblets (eeeuuuwwwww!!!)...

I love Lucy

The Working Mom by Kay Luna, from the Quad-City Times November 2, 2009

Well, I think I do. I haven't met her in real life yet. But my sister is friends with baby Lucy's mom, Heather Kernan of Rock Island. So, I've heard a lot about her. I've listened to my sister cry and...

Candy, candy, everywhere

The Working Mom by Kay Luna, from the Quad-City Times November 2, 2009

So, I was the one who ended up sick at our house over Halloween. Go figure. We didn't go anywhere the entire weekend, period. We even missed trick-or-treating. Luckily, Babycakes is 2 and didn't know the...

“Working Mom” song

The Working Mom by Kay Luna, from the Quad-City Times October 26, 2009

Someone named Pat Murphy commented on one of my old blog posts over the weekend, encouraging me to listen to his band's new single, called "Working Mom." No, it wasn't spam. Murphy is a real person, and...

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