The UNCW Theatre Department hit the ground dancing with their electric rendition of the production, “Head Over Heels.” This is a jukebox...
“What if life is just a collection of essentially unrelated experiences? Why does one thing have to follow meaningfully from another?”...
“A king on a stolen throne. An assassin sent to kill him. A general blinded by loyalty. A thief with a vendetta. A dragon slayer running...
I’ve officially deemed this fall my “Oyster Girl Autumn.” This honorary distinction is thanks to the fact that I’ve found myself...
“Everybody,” written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins and directed by Elizabeth Wellman, was performed on Sept. 26-29 and Oct. 3-6 at the UNCW...
After months of lawsuits and controversy, “The Apprentice,” a biopic about former President Donald Trump and his lawyer Roy Cohn, finally...
“The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30.” - Lorne Michaels It’s 10 p.m. on Oct. 11, 1975....
Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield put on the performance of a lifetime in Director John Crowley’s (“The Goldfinch” and “Life After...
UNCW’s very own Kennedy Cole has recently been signed by literary agent Alex Brown from Mad Woman Literary Agency for her book There Used...
Few creatives in Hollywood need less of an introduction than Francis Ford Coppola. The man has created absolute masterpieces of cinema, from...
He throws the strap over his shoulder and adjusts it snuggly. Brushing his calloused fingers over the strings, he prepares before the sea of...
BEETLEJUICE! “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice,” starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Cathrine O’Hara, hit the theaters Friday Sept. 6,...
While it got off to an incredibly slow start, the 2024 summer movie season proved to fare better than last year’s string of high-profile...
I recently sat down with Daniel Wright, the creator of the upcoming “official unofficial” English Department podcast, Relevate. Through...
In the past couple of decades, superhero movies and cinematic universes had a period where they were on top of the cinematic totem...