It’s that time of year again – election season. For those of you who are discouraged or confused about voting because you’re afraid you’re not informed enough, The Seahawk has you covered. In this...
Caroline Shaver, Contributing Writer
• October 22, 2018
Well, hats off to Hillary Clinton.
The former first lady has somehow managed to tick everyone off -- including her own supporters.
That takes some talent -- or perhaps, the lack thereof?
Bo Miller, Contributing Writer
• September 6, 2018
The following is an obituary written in memory of Senator John McCain. The author is a veteran of the United States Marines and member of the UNCW Student Veterans Organization.
John Sidney McCain III...
John Hasan Yildiz, Contributing Writer
• June 15, 2018
Tax-Reform Bill sparks protests in Jordan
On June 4, the streets outside of Prime Minister Hani al-Mulki’s office were filled with protestors as a new tax-reform bill and was met with widespread opposition...
Editor’s Note: Veronica Wernicke is a freshman at UNCW majoring in Communication Studies and is the Assistant Opinion Editor for The Seahawk. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of...
Students all across the country walked out of classes Wednesday, Mar. 14, in solidarity with the students of Parkland, FL school Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. UNC Wilmington was no exception.
It was September 2017 when United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos spoke to a crowd at George Mason University about sexual assault on college campuses.
"There is no way to avoid the devastating...
Editor’s Note: Jack DeVries is a junior at UNCW double majoring in supply chain management and business analytics. Jack also works as The Seahawk’s Copy Editor and is a frequent writer for the Political...
Kristen Rodriguez, Staff Writer
• February 23, 2018
Editor’s Note: Kristen Rodriguez is a freshman at UNCW majoring in Political Science with a minor in International Relations. Kristen is a staff writer for The Seahawk and writes many of the pieces featured...
Kristen Rodriguez, Staff Writer
• February 17, 2018
Editor’s Note: Kristen Rodriguez is a freshman at UNCW majoring in Political Science with a minor in International Relations. Kristen is a staff writer for The Seahawk and writes many of the pieces...
Samantha Durham, Opinion Editor
• February 3, 2018
Editor’s Note: Samantha Durham is a senior at UNCW studying sociology. She is the Opinion Editor for The Seahawk and enjoys concentrating her work on social issues. All opinions expressed in this article...
In the third longest State of the Union address in United States history; President Donald Trump spent 80 minutes speaking to a record-breaking 47.7 million viewers in what can only be described as a delicate...