Ethan Marsh, Humans of the Dub – Staff
• October 25, 2018
What made you decide to come to UNCW and what keeps you here?
Well, I needed an education. And this is, you know, originally was as good a place as any, in terms of getting one. But I've certainly come...
Tara Pak, Humans of the Dub – Staff
• October 24, 2018
How were you affected by Hurricane Florence?
Well, I had to go home for the majority of the time because I didn’t have a place
here to stay. Then, after school started back I still didn’t have...
McKenzie Rankin, Humans of the Dub – Staff
• October 23, 2018
What’s the greatest struggle you’ve endured?
Let’s see. Ever endured? I’d have to say when I was in high school looking at colleges. I used to live in Michigan, so it was a really big decision...
Jordan Bell, Humans of the Dub – Staff
• October 22, 2018
So we’re going to start it off kind of generic and kind of broad. So, how were you affected by Hurricane Florence?
Well, one of the ways I was personally affected by Hurricane Florence was... in...
The Seahawk is now accepting staff applications for the 2018-2019 Humans of the Dub team. All UNC Wilmington students are welcome to apply!
We are looking for students who value communication and teamwork,...