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The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

Liam surfing at this year's Surfer's Healing event. (Aidyn Fischli/The Seahawk)

Surfing is not only healing— it’s changing lives.

Aidyn Fischli, Staff Writer September 20, 2024

A boy with shaggy dark hair and bright blue boardshorts waits excitedly on the beach. It's a Monday morning in Wrightsville Beach, N.C., and every inch of Access 29 is packed with children and surfboards....

Outside of the Scooter's Coffee shop. (Samantha Hill/The Seahawk)

REVIEW: Scooter’s Coffee

Samantha Hill, Marketing Manager September 16, 2024

Twas the night before move-in day when I stumbled upon a new coffee shop in the final stages of opening to the public. Not only was I excited to move into my new apartment, I was also eager to taste...

UNCW students and staff gather to honor the lives lost during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. (Photo: Maloah McCarron)

UNCW’s 9/11 commemoration

Deborah Williams, Staff Writer September 16, 2024

  “This isn’t just a military or first responder event,” said Bill Kawczynski Director of the Office of Military Affairs at UNCW. “9/11 is something that affected everybody.” Twenty-three...

Photograph of a film projector. (Courtesy: Jeremy Yap/Unsplash)

“Longlegs”: A modern masterclass in movie marketing

Noah Phillips, Staff Writer September 4, 2024

While it got off to an incredibly slow start, the 2024 summer movie season proved to fare better than last year’s string of high-profile bombs with a rare hit in the mix. We saw films like “Inside...

(Brayden Green/The Seahawk)

Involvement Carnival photo gallery

Brayden Green, Staff Photographer August 31, 2024


UNCW's "Relevate" podcast highlights the importance of the humanities field. (Courtesy: Daniel Wright)

UNCW’s ‘Relevate’ Podcast: A fresh perspective on the importance of the humanities

Jonah Seretti, Opinion Editor August 26, 2024

I recently sat down with Daniel Wright, the creator of the upcoming “official unofficial” English Department podcast, Relevate. Through the best Zoom call Randall Library Wi-Fi can facilitate, we...

From left to right: Celeste O'Connor, Dakota Johnson, Isabela Merced and Sydney Sweeney in "Madam Web." (Courtesy: Sony Pictures Entertainment)

The abundance of Spider-Man Films (without Spider-Man)

Noah Phillips, Staff Writer August 25, 2024

  In the past couple of decades, superhero movies and cinematic universes had a period where they were on top of the cinematic totem pole, with Marvel Studios and their esteemed “Marvel Cinematic...

Emily Henry's iconic book jacket for "Funny Story." (Grace Lanham/The Seahawk)

REVIEW: Emily Henry’s newest novel, “Funny Story,” was this summer’s must-read

Grace Lanham, Co-Editor-in-Chief August 20, 2024

“Some people are natural storytellers. They know how to set the scene, find the right angle, when to pause for dramatic effect or breeze past inconvenient details.”  This comes from Henry’s...

Photograph of a tennis court. (Chris Chondrogiannis/

“Challengers” is sensual and utterly sensational

Noah Phillips, Staff Writer June 2, 2024

Sports films have always had an interesting place in the broader cinematic landscape. These films have the task of not only bringing the sport they are covering to life in an engaging way to appeal...

Poster for Carolina Ballet's "Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2." (Courtesy: Carolina Ballet)

REVIEW: Carolina Ballet’s “Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2” explores what it means to be human

Megan Eesley, Co-Editor-in-Chief April 27, 2024

Carolina Ballet opened their latest performance “Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2” on April 25 in Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, accompanied by the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle and pianist...

What do a misplaced handbag, multiple cases of mistaken identity and Bunburying have in common? UNCW Mainstage Theatre’s latest production, “The Importance of Being Earnest.” (Courtesy of UNCW Department of Theatre)

The importance of being comedic: A review of UNCW Department of Theatre’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”

Anna Ford, Culture Editor April 25, 2024

Jack Worthing (Cole Warren) is in a conundrum.   He longs to marry Gwendolyn Fairfax (Abigail Hamm) but faces opposition from her mother, Lady Bracknell (Malik Fowler) and cousin, Algernon Moncrief...

Sign outside of Randall Library. (Samantha Hill/The Seahawk)

REDdress demonstration outside of Randall Library

Samantha Hill, Marketing Manager April 25, 2024

Red dresses hang from trees outside of Randall Library flowing in the wind. The dresses stand out unnaturally against the brick building and freshly bloomed trees.  Dr. Menaka Raguparan, a fellow...

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