Ghost-hunters search ship

Alisha Gore

The USS North Carolina has recently been added to the list of sites in Wilmington that have been called haunted. Several historic sites in Wilmington are said to be haunted. These sites include Thalian Hall and the New Hanover County Public Library. Since 1999, the popular ghost walk of old Wilmington has introduced residents and visitors to the legends of some of the city’s poltergeists and the places that they allegedly haunt. These ghost tales expose infamous stories from Wilmington’s past ranging from the city’s red light district to pirates. The USS North Carolina has also been added to the lengthy list of alleged haunted places in the port city. Danny Bradshaw has written and published a book titled, “Ghosts on the Battleship North Carolina.” Bradshaw has been employed as the night guard on board the USS North Carolina for nearly 30 years. He said that he has had several significant experiences with ghosts during the duration of his employment on the ship. Bradshaw believes that the ghosts that he has come in contact with are the ghosts of WWII era soldiers. On September 15, 1942, five members of the ship’s crew were killed when the ship was hit by a Japanese torpedo. A total of 10 members of the ship’s crew were killed in action during WWII. “If there are any tortured souls on board who might believe they died too young, it’s probably these guys,” Bradshaw said. Earlier this year, a team of seven ghost-hunters paid a visit to the USS North Carolina. The group, called the Seven Paranormal Research, hoped to find evidence of paranormal activity on board the ship. Members of this group were armed with electromagnetic detection devices, temperature detection devices, and stationed motion detectors. They took samples in several different parts of the ship, including parts that are generally closed to the public. “We will be pouring over this video and these recordings for hours and hours looking for anything unusual,” David Gurney, one of the group’s members said.