North Carolina Coalition for Adoption Reform
To the Editor,
My name is Patricia Farmer, and I am writing this letter in the hopes of educating the local public about the necessity of access to information concerning adult adoptees, descendants of adult adoptees, and adoptive parents of minor adoptees, as to the adoptive records, and information therein to be made available to the above said persons. As it is now in this state, such information is denied to the parties that are affected by it the most. Most persons are not aware that the adopted are not allowed the same basic rights that non-adopted persons have, their basic knowledge of their heritage. Do you realize that adopted persons pay the same taxes as non-adopted persons, fight in the same wars, and shoulder the same responsibilities as every non-adopted person in the state, but we are denied access to any information as to our history, which most importantly includes any medical history involving our biological parents, grandparents, etc. This lack of medical history not only includes the adoptee, but encompasses our offspring as well, as well as, further generations down the line. It is true that an adoptee can petition the courts as to the opening of adoption records pertaining to the adult adoptee, if a judge decides that the reason given is deemed justifiable. This takes time, and for the most part is done in vain. There is a group working towards changing North Carolina’s antiquated laws concerning access of information contained in the adoption records to the pertaining adoptee, and families. The North Carolina Coalition for Adoption Reform-Chairperson, Roberta MacDonald, is working toward changes in legislative law concerning access to this valuable information. If you are interested in learning more, please either call, write, or visit the NCCAR website., or call 1-919-403-2839, or write Roberta MacDonald Chairperson NCCAR – P.O. Box 52311 Durham, NC 27707.Thank you,Patricia Farmer/Secretary [email protected]