Campus Construction: A Hassle Now, But You’ll Be Happy Later

Staff Opinon

Last week, the Seahawk ran an article on the construction and renovations going on around campus. The article mentioned all the moves that occurred over summer and students were given a voice for their opinion regarding the fences that section off areas of campus.

True, those fences get in the way. They may leave some students baffled about how to travel outside of a bee line, and they may add an extra three minutes to your journey on campus. But they serve two purposes:

Of course, one is safety. Nails on the ground. Falling debris. So on and so forth.

And the other should be to give you a sign that the campus is ever-evolving to meet the needs of its students.

All of the amenities in the Fisher Student Center may not be ‘needed,’ but a 350-seat movie theater is plush. And as Fisher becomes the new Union, the building should house some extra bells and whistles. It’s a central meeting place for many of the student body’s organizations and is a place to hang out.

So having a waterfall that changes colors (notably the 2006 senior gift) may seem like a waste, but it adds to the atmosphere that is meant to alleviate each student of school work for a quick snack or a meeting with friends.

What we are saying is that construction and renovations are a necessary evil. The bookstore and most of the Burney Support Center have been moved for renovations. The bookstore has a new home in the Fisher Center and the Student Media office (Atlantis, SBTV and the Seahawk) have been temporarily moved into Modular Unit 5 in Parking Lot E.

Students are going to gripe about the appearance and inconvenience of the construction, but we can all have some faith in the system just by looking at our new Fisher Student Center, the renovations in Westside, and the new Watson School of Education.

You may not see all of the construction through, but there’s that chance (and it’s a very high one) that once you’ve gone on to bigger and better things, you’ll stop by and be amazed at all the changes on campus.