Seahawk Views: Remembering September 11
“I guess the flags on the lawn in front of Randall are important because people like me forget today is even Sept. 11. It’s a great way to remember– always remember.”
– Karla Albertson, Sophomore
“Sept.. 11 was one of the most horrendous experiences that hit our country, and gratefully, over a period of time people have rallied to help others in their deep grief and unhappiness. Let us never ever forget how terrible it was and how deep the American sense of dedication to others has made us survive.”
– Shirley Cristol, Auditor
“I don’t think all the memorials with Sept. 11 is necessary. With current events, you’ll read the headline “Eight casualties,” but the next week that headline won’t be on the front page, it is down on page B. This is an issue that needs to be addressed, and until it is I thnk it should come before reviews of Sept. 11.”
-Brandon Tinklenburg, Junior