REVIEW: Final Harry Potter installment stuns wizards and muggles alike

Juliane Bullard | Lifestyles Editor

What series has gripped our hearts since we were young enough to know what magic was and had us wishing we got our letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II premiered this past Thursday night to sold out movie theaters all over the world. The finale featured an ending worthy of J.K. Rowling’s unparalleled books and upon which the London premiere of the movie she spoke to the crowd, “Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home.”

Picking up from Part I of the Deathly Hallows, the sequel was a true representation of the book’s ending and could only be described as a spectacular piece of cinema. From the perfect combination of serious and lighthearted tones throughout the movie, the last Harry Potter film was thought by many, as the best installment of the series thus far.

“It might just be that since it’s the last one that I thought it was the best, but I think it was because all those involved in making it knew how to draw the series to a close without making the audience cry the entire time,” said sophomore Megan Davis. “There were moments, like when Hermione and Ron kissed after destroying a horocrux, that were full of comic relief and made the end of what many of us consider an entire childhood devoted to this series, not seem so sad.”

While the comedy gave the audience a well deserved respite from the action packed last installment, many were held on the edge of their seat as the epic battle at Hogwarts waged on throughout most of the movie. Perhaps the most satisfying moment occurred at the start of the battle when after Harry stepped out of the crowd of students listening to Professor Snape reprimand them, Professor McGonagal shoves Harry aside and battles Snape until he vanished in thin air. After which, all members of past and present Harry Potter films came to help Harry defend and protect the castle until Harry could destroy the last Horocrux.

If you were one of the many who donned a lightning bolt scar on your forehead, and waited hours in line to see the premiere of the last Harry Potter film, you couldn’t ask more of a final ending. The actors themselves have matured to where this last film exceeds expectations of even its harshest critics, and muggles and wizards alike approve.

“While it is beyond sad that the story that followed us throughout our childhood is over, I am always impressed that throughout every movie, the audience continues to reach a wider range of ages. This series while, it grew up with our generation, will follow many others for years to come. I think that’s the real magic of the series,” said sophomore Ryan Brabrand.