Marketing major launches successful “southern-chic” web-design business

Hunter Houtzer | Contributing Writer

Starting a successful small business is hard for anyone-let alone a full time student-but junior Whitney Vass has managed to pull it off. This UNCW marketing major operates her own graphic design business, lovingly named Heart and Arrow Design. It has given her a voice in the world of entrepreneurs and made her into a master juggler of crafts.

The arts have always held a place in Vass’s heart but she had feared her competitive nature would not let her have a career with them. That is, until she took an inspirational internship at an established design company. Seeing her promise, the company provided Vass with the computer software needed to design online, letting her hit the ground running.

With no graphic design experience, Vass felt as if she was “jumping off a cliff.” But after working with the programs on her own, she became extremely efficient, turning two-hour chores into two-minute tasks. Vass now specializes in blog designs, logo designs, business cards and business branding.  

Being market savvy, Vass started by selling her labors very cheaply, hoping to build a portfolio. This process escalated quickly after customers saw how dedicated Vass was to making their visions a reality. Internet-led word of mouth spread quickly.  

“One morning I woke up and had three more orders in my inbox than I did the night before,” Vass said. “I was ecstatic. That’s when I knew this was really happening.”

Since, Vass’s order list has grown to where she must work until two o’clock in the morning most nights, which she is happy to do. In order to balance school and work, she separates them into chunks and struggles to keep new designs out of her head until the Heart and Arrow chunk begins.

Vass has evolved into her own style and new clients are clinging to that look. Targeting a girly, beachy, southern crowd has allowed her to hone in her creativity to fresh, unique designs based off of what is trending right now.

 “I look at a lot of clothing fashion blogs for inspiration.” Vass said. “Mint green is really in. So is seafoam. Customers have started to say, ‘Do it in your style! I love it!’ and Pinterest has helped similar people find my work. It’s a lot easier when people pick you because they already like what you’ve done.”

Since networking is essential, Vass has joined blog groups focused on other small internet businesses. She has recently been featured as an up-and-coming artist on some of these sites, the recognition adding dramatically to her list of orders to be fulfilled.         

Vass has made enough money from her efforts to pay for a study abroad trip to Germany, where she will study international business. She intends to keep Heart and Arrow Design running for years to come, getting stronger as she goes.

“I truly feel so blessed to be as fortunate as I have been.” Vass said. “I’m making as much as some people do as their starting salary. I’m so excited for what’s to come.”

Business branding, her favorite of her talents, is what Vass hopes to make her life-long career. She aspires to one day own a little downtown office space where she can meet in-person with clients to discuss how they envision their own business, and design from there.

“It is extremely gratifying to help someone make their dream come true from the ground up,” Vass said. “I send them questionnaires and ask them to show me things they like, so that I see what they want. From there, we brand their entire business.”

For now, Vass is ready to graduate so she can spend more time dedicated to helping Heart and Arrow continue to flourish.