Top 10 things to look forward to in the Fall

Autumn Rose Rankin | Contributing Writer

1. Less sweat

A drastic drop in temperatures means less laundry, less changing your outfit three times before lunch and less looking like you biked somewhere when you didn’t. Walking outside will no longer be confused with going for a swim, and the phrase “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” will gradually fade from your vocabulary—at least until next May.

2. Football

Finally, it’s time to break out the jerseys and cheer for your favorite team—not to mention eat wings and potato skins, tailgate, and play fantasy football. Oh, and the games will be fun to watch, too.

3. Foods, beverages and Fall scents

Apple pie, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, pumpkin spice lattes (even if you hate them, your best friend loves them), cinnamon dolce lattes, hot apple cider, hot chocolate; there are so many choices and so few drizzly cold mornings. Make the most of the scents of the season while you can. Right now, even air fresheners and soaps and lotions from Bath and Body Works smell like apples.

4. Leaves

Remember the joys of autumn leaves—walking through them, raking them, hearing them crunch under your boots, watching your dog run through them, jumping in giant piles of them, throwing them in the air just because, decorating with them, photoshopping them so they look even better in your pictures than they did in real life.

5. Cooler temperatures

Now you can open your windows, turn off the air conditioning, have beach bonfires, wear scarves and gloves and maybe enjoy the possibility of snow in the air (hey, it could happen—remember last year?).

6. Sweater weather

Sweaters, sweaters, sweaters. And flannel shirts. And denim. And boots! And jackets. Hello, hoodies. North Face, we’ve missed you. L.L. Bean, old friend, it’s been a while.

7. Holidays

It’s time for fall break (barely enough time to do anything, but still a break), Halloween (carving pumpkins, Halloween costumes, candy), Thanksgiving (food, family, and overusing “#thankful”), Friendsgiving (or Wagsgiving), winter break (maybe you can drive home to snow if we don’t have any), and Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza (all kinds of good things).

8. Holiday shopping

Buy your friends candles that smell like you’re outside even when you’re not, or go Black Friday shopping (for yourself). Most importantly, though, waiting in the mile-deep lines for the next new iPhone.

9. Oscar contender movies

Fall’s big movies like Gone Girl, Mockingjay, The Maze Runner, and a cornucopia of horror flicks will finally release. Whether you find yourself at the theater with $12 worth of popcorn or curled up in a ball on your couch with last Tuesday’s Chinese food, this is the time of year to indulge in a few movie marathons and scare yourself silly.

10. No More Summer Colds, Summer Bugs, or Summer Tourists

I’m not sure what’s worse—Kleenex and Dayquil in May; pest control spraying inside and outside in June; or the dreaded out-of towners that make a mess, tip badly, and take up all the good parking spots and beach real estate from June to August. Quite simply, these were all unwelcome guests.