SGA initiatives put in motion

Molly Braxton | Assistant News Editor

The University of North Carolina Wilmington Student Body Government Association planned a variety of initiatives to accomplish this year.

The overall tasks McCord and his Executive Board are looking to improve are campus dining, campus parking, sustainability, tailgating, mental health, and improvement of academic facilities.

“We get a lot of complaints from people that there isn’t enough parking,” McCord said. “There’s a lot of people who want to drive on campus and you know zone one lot is kind of a problem.”

Students like Amy Twohig, a junior at UNCW, agree with McCord that the parking system at UNCW does need to be adjusted.

““I think the system as a whole is the problem,” Twohig said, “They don’t even make sure they have enough spots for the amount of passes they are giving out so parking becomes an issue because there just isn’t enough room.”

From a dining standpoint, McCord’s main goal is to expand food dollars to more off-campus restaurants and extend the hours campus-dining establishments are open on the weekends.

“So we either want to see those hours change so we don’t have those big gaps when people try to study or stay the weekend,” McCord said. “Papa Johns has been really popular people use their food dollars a lot so we see no reason to not to keep expanding that and provide more options.”

The Director of Multicultural Affairs, Rachel LeCates, also has some ideas for this upcoming school year. The new program Seahawks Speak is a new platform for discussing issues surrounding diversity. They had their first event on Sept. 8.

“It’s a place for students to come and it’s a very informal platform to discuss issues that are relevant that day,” LeCates said.

The Humans of the Dub project is another initiative that SGA hopes to grow this year. According to LeCates, last year’s attempt at kick starting this program failed due to inconsistency. This year SGA hopes to bring this campaign back and make it something all students know about.

“We want students to support that project because we want it to become a student tradition,” LeCates said.

SGA’s Executive Board for this year has a big agenda and a lot of fresh faces. Their new ideas bring to light several of the student body’s concerns.