Candidate Seth Rogers: Bringing new people and new ideas to student government

UNCW junior and SGA presidential candidate Seth Rogers discusses his hopes and plans for the SGA presidency if elected.

Though he has not been a part of student government since his time as class president in high school, for UNC Wilmington junior and english major Seth Rogers, who is running for UNCW Student Government Association President, running for office is more about being the voice of students, and that is what he plans to be if elected.

“I just feel like I can give the majority of students a voice,” said Rogers. “There’s not a difference between a student in ten clubs and someone who works three jobs. I want everyone to have as much of a say as the other.”

Rogers plans to make SGA and himself more available to students who don’t have time to join clubs or get involved. He hopes to have more opportunities for students to talk with people in the administration or in SGA.

Though he respects that the current president, Dan McCord, and treasurer, Jane Chiffriller, have worked in SGA before, he finds that they may have been “caught in a rut, and it’s always a good idea to bring fresh people to the table.”

Rogers believes he can hold his own against the incumbent candidate and the current treasurer because he is charismatic, a people person and can speak “fluidly” with others as well as get his point across.

However, he understands there is a lot he can learn from the position, like public speaking and leadership skills.

“[These skills] would help especially if I want to get a job in the education field,” said Rogers. “[Overall], I definitely feel I need to just get more involved in the administrative aspect of UNCW. I think just getting to know more people in all walks of life [is important].”

For the most part, Rogers wants to build a union between the students and an appreciation and respect for the staff. “I want to project what makes UNCW students great out into the community.”

However, this could prove to be difficult considering the notorious low voter turnout at UNCW.

“I’m trying to [combat] that with my campaign,” said Rogers. “Most campaigns work through chalking, word of mouth, and buttons. I’m trying to have a more digital campaign. That way you can get people more excited and involved.”

Getting people and fellow students involved is an integral part of Rogers’ campaign and possible career as UNCW SGA President.

“My goal for this is to include everyone,” said Rogers. “Every single individual [who wants to be involved can be]. Everyone brings something to the table other people cannot. Everyone has their own values and strengths and ideas that shared collectively can help us as a university.”

Although this possible position might not help him prepare for a career path in politics or persuasion, Rogers reiterated that his goals are to help the university as a whole rather than help his own future success.

“I want to do it to help the university,” said Rogers. “I want to do it to help, but [winning would] still be a great honor.”