My first year at UNCW was a series of trial and error, finding what worked for me and learning how to grow academically and professionally while still retaining a calm in my life. I found three main points that helped me accelerate my academic and professional career, and three things I wish I had done to help maintain a feeling of calmness in my life.
Three Things I’m Glad I Did
- Joined Groups Relevant to My Major
There is something on campus for everyone, and if you cannot find the group you are looking for you can start one. Joining a group that focuses on an element within your major will allow you to build a community of like-minded people in similar classes whom you can lean on. It will also offer you the opportunity to connect with a faculty advisor and create a personal relationship with them. They can act not only as an educational resource, but also offer insight on different opportunities on and off campus. Faculty advisors can also be good choices to write letters of recommendations for jobs, internships and scholarships. For example, I learned about the English Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Program during a Sigma Tau Delta Honors Society meeting and was able to apply before the deadline; now I will now be able to obtain a master’s degree at a faster pace. To find groups and organizations to join or become a part of, visit UNCW’s WaveLink.
2. Looked for Internship Opportunities
There is an unspoken system when it comes to getting your dream career after you graduate: having a degree in your field allows you to apply for the careers you would like, being active in groups related to your field will get you into the interview, and having an internship will help you land the position. It is never too early to start looking for internship opportunities to bolster your resume and give you real-world experience and skills that can help you in your future endeavors. You can participate in an internship on or off campus, meaning you can have the option of doing your internship where your classes are located, or you can work in the very buildings you may one day forge a career in. Remote internships are another option growing in popularity; you can work virtually with faculty or an organization out of state and create connections in the field. UNCW specifically pushes paid internships for its students and offers resources to connect students to internships here.
3. Connected with Faculty
Although it may seem daunting or a pain to go out of your way and establish a relationship with faculty both in and out of classes, it will benefit you in your academic career. They can connect you with different opportunities, advocate for you on a personal level to other faculty members and create excellent letters of recommendation for you. For example, my current internship came about through a faculty member listing me as a potential candidate for a fellow faculty member’s project they were working on. You can easily connect with faculty within the classroom by answering and asking questions, and you can connect with them outside of the classroom by visiting their office hours and speaking with them at events hosted by their department.
Three Things I Wish I Had Done
- Cultivated a Strong Social Group
Although I had an excellent roommate and joined several major-focused groups, I often found myself experiencing feelings of loneliness during my first year at UNCW. Despite having many people that I had positive relationships with, I rarely interacted with them outside of academic-focused topics and spaces. I created an academic community, but not a social one where I could alleviate stress and create connections beyond the academic and professional world. Some easy ways that this can be avoided by students would be to invite a group of friends to an on-campus coffee shop, attend an ACE event where they put on movies and different forms of entertainment or attend one of UNCW’s sports teams’ games.
2. Dedicated Time to Hobbies Exclusively for Enjoyment
Sometimes being in college can feel like a rat race to do the most and outperform your peers academically so you can be in the best position when applying for future careers. However, this can often leave students feeling dried up, exhausted and unmotivated. Taking the time to relax, reconnect and remember what you love doing is just as important to your future’s wellbeing as academic performance. Even giving yourself 20-30 minutes in the evening to turn off notifications from your school email, put on your comfort show and work on a craft or a hobby can allow you to alleviate stress and prepare yourself for the school day ahead.
3. Found a Third Place
Oftentimes people find themselves going between two places: home (aka your dorm room) and work (aka your classes). This can lead to a feeling of isolation, a lack of community, and monotony, which can be easily remedied by finding a third place, or somewhere to go and spend time that is not your dorm room or classes. Thankfully, there are many options on campus where you can find a third place, such as the library, one of the numerous coffee shops and the many outdoor areas. There are also places off campus where you can go to relax, such as the Wilmington boardwalk, old Wilmington for a ghost walk, downtown, Airlie Gardens and the beach.
There is no right or wrong way to experience college, but taking measures to connect with others, promote yourself professionally and taking care of yourself mentally will increase your satisfaction when experiencing UNCW.
William Bolduc • Aug 22, 2024 at 11:59 am
Great advice Megan!