UNCW Theatre Department to present ‘The Moors’

UNCW plans to present ‘The Moors,’ a tribute to the Brontë sisters that adds a touch of comedy to an otherwise dreary situation in 1840s England. The show will take place at the Mainstage Theatre in the Cultural Arts Building from March. 31 to April 3 and from April 7 to April 10. The shows will begin at 8 p.m. Thursday to Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sundays.
Viewers may attend in-person or through a Broadway on Demand streaming option. Masks are required in the theatre and tickets are available for purchase for faculty and staff members, students and general admissions. Purchase tickets using this link.
‘The Moors’ is a dark comedy written by Jen Silverman and is directed by UNCW theatre professor Dr. Paul Castagno.
The play is set on an empty plot of land in England where two sisters and their dog, The Mastiff, played by Cole Warren, live with nothing but dreams of everything from love to fame. Their lives appear dismally ordinary, yet both the setting and time act off-balance. Secrets surface when a governess arrives, but can the truth ever really be known? Their lives spiral down a dangerous path that none of them expected. The Mastiff forms a romance with the moorhen, played by Amber Bullock, that complicates their situation further.
Its 19th-century setting plays tribute to novels such as Jane Eyre and Rebecca. The two sisters have two very different dreams, one hoping for love while the other dreams of fame. Each character must have their own search for what they are looking for: love, power, fame and identity.