Humans of the Dub: Meet the Staff! Lauren Wessell, Managing Editor

Leah Sherrell, Humans of the Dub - Assistant Editor

As the Managing Editor, what are your duties and responsibilities? Give us a look into your day-to-day. 

As the Managing Editor, Brenna, the Editor-in-Chief, and I like to split up our roles. Brenna works more with the big picture aspects of the paper such as content. I have more of the day to day responsibilities such as managing staff, marketing and media side of the newspaper. It’s been a great addition to my college experience especially because it has given me something to do every single week. I’ve met a lot of people and created friendships with people who enjoy the same types of things I do. I’ve had the chance to do things I never would have experienced. It can be stressful having the responsibility of a large role in running the newspaper, but I’ve enjoyed it a lot. It’s been a really positive experience and a huge impact on my time at UNCW.”

What drew you in to The Seahawk?

“I did the yearbook in high school and I loved the photography, the layout and writing descriptions. Those things, rather than strictly writing, is what drew me in. Then, my freshman year [at UNCW] I went to the first Seahawk meeting of the year. At that time, we still had the physical newspaper, so I was the layout editor. I was still nervous about writing at the time, so I made the spreads for the paper. I really loved it because it reminded me of Yearbook. I love having physical copies of things. I still like to read paper books; I don’t really get them on online. The Seahawk realized paper copies were costing too much money to print because most people aren’t going to pick them up. As time went on, I took on different positions and now here we are.”

What kind of career do you want in the future and how does your time at The Seahawk contribute to that?

“I am a communication studies major concentrating in media production and integrated marketing communication. Working with the newspaper, I’ve gotten a lot of experience managing social media and learning how to work with others in a cohesive and creative environment. I don’t know the exact direction of my career path, but I’m passionate about media production and photography. That’s been a hobby of mine I’ve really been able to use at the Seahawk. Hopefully, one day I’ll be able to work with others in a creative way.”

What’s been your favorite aspect of working with The Seahawk?

I don’t write a ton for the newspaper but the things I have written I really enjoyed. I wrote some baking articles and occasionally cover topics like art gallery openings because I enjoy the art we have on campus and its been exciting to go to those as someone representing the newspaper. I feel very official and enjoy speaking with the artists and seeing original artwork from students. It really comes down to being on campus and feeling as if you’re part of something.