OPINION: If you think wearing a mask is stupid, it is time to look in the mirror.
Tribune News Service
Emerson Becker, 20, holds the door for two customers as they put on their masks before entering Classic Cinemas York Theatre in Elmhurst after reopening on June 26, 2020. USA
It is the middle of summer and not far from a major publicly celebrated holiday, the Fourth of July. The mandatory lockdown for the COVID-19 virus was lifted in a number of places after Memorial Day weekend, which means that people have started flocking to public places. Bars, malls, restaurants and even theme parks have all opened their doors and have begun to welcome millions of Americans. By early June, all but 11 states had lifted their lockdowns.
With the coming holiday, continued protests and the reopening of most public places have continued to take place. With that, public gatherings have become more appealing (at least more than they were in early April). States such as North Carolina have made wearing a mask mandatory in public, and of course, there are people who are refusing to wear a mask, as well as a pretty significant portion of the population who thinks the virus is a hoax.
It is safe to assume that the “virus is a hoax” population has the same sort of mindset of typical conspiracy theorists like flat-earthers or “anti-vaxxers.” This means that a significant amount of science is not going to change their minds because that science is funded by people they personally disagree with. While I cannot personally say I agree with them, they are entitled to their opinions.
In that same breath; however, not wearing a mask in public at this point because of “civil rights” is one of the most selfish things a person can do. Similarly, some young people believe that they are immune to the virus or that it will not hurt them, without considering the fact that people without symptoms can still spread the virus to people who have weaker immune systems without even knowing.
If the experts are right, by wearing a mask you are saving the lives of countless children, elderly people and those with compromised immune systems or diseases that make them more vulnerable to the virus. There is very little risk mixed with a high reward.
If the experts are wrong, you were inconvenienced by wearing a piece of fabric over your face that might be slightly uncomfortable.
If you still are not wearing a mask, you are risking the lives of innocent people because you are uncomfortable. No matter how it is spun, the issue of not wearing a mask because of civil rights is selfish. There is a severe lack of selflessness with this group of people.
Essential workers are often required to wear masks for eight-plus hour shifts, while many of the people who are complaining are only wearing masks for a maximum of 30 minutes in a grocery store. Essential workers are not dying left and right, so why is there a rumor that wearing masks can somehow be deadly?
It has already been reported that you cannot get carbon dioxide poisoning, you will not have reduced oxygen intake and if any of the rumored health impacts were actually even remotely happening, there would be reports of masks hurting millions of people worldwide.
There are no mass reports of people not being able to breathe or dying because of these things. Before the virus, mask-wearing was incredibly common in East Asia, and there were never any reports of mass deaths.
The List published an article on how to make your face mask more comfortable. Suck it up, wear a mask, save lives.
JOHN E PIZZINI • Jul 21, 2024 at 4:15 am
Well, they didn’t allow my first message. Probably because I said, “The Seahawk” is apparently fake news! This article is obviously fake news but they published it. I’ve never read anything in The Seahawk except this one article that I just came across. So, maybe this article was a one-time thing that they regret and all the rest of their stuff is on the up and up, I can’t call it because I have not read anything else from this publication and I can’t say that they are fake news because I simply don’t know if they are or not and if they are not fake news, then to all of you at The Seahawk, please accept my apologies.
JOHN E PIZZINI • Jul 21, 2024 at 4:06 am
Wow! I was just perusing the comments and it seems it everyone who read this article and commented on it is well aware that it’s fake news and I have to say, I most assuredly was not referring to any of you people who made comments about this article! It warms my heart to read your comments. In my opinion, we must figure out a way to wake everyone up! If all the good people on the planet were on the same page, all 8 billion people could be living in a utopian society. This could happen if Donald J Trump wins his second term. He says he will obliterate the Deep State and we should all support him in this endeavor. If Donald Trump could obliterate the Deep State, just say the world would be a better place to live in, would be putting it extremely mildly. We simply must support him, that’s all we need to do right now, is vote for Donald J Trump for President of the United States of America on November 5th, 2024!!
JOHN E PIZZINI • Jul 21, 2024 at 3:54 am
Whoever wrote this article was a complete moron. Keep wearing a mask you moron and good for you. The depths of stupidity that people, like the author of this article, possess is really hard to fathom! COVID-19 is a real virus that was engineered in a lab to be able to infect human beings and in 2020 the creators of this virus were ordered to release a virus that was very contagious but had a very low mortality rate, and they were told that the mortality rate could easily be enhanced by fake news like this very article here. The purpose of releasing the virus was to extremely hamper, if not outright destroy, the economies of as many countries as possible and I’d say that they pretty much achieved their insidious goal. I wonder if the guy who wrote this article has admitted that he was totally wrong about everything he said, I doubt it but hopefully he’s smarter now. I wouldn’t bet on it though, chances are he’s paid whatever he considers enough, to print whatever he’s told. Everyone who works for ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, The View, and apparently “The Seahawk” have never done any real reporting if they are younger and if there are some left that are older, they gave up on real reporting and they are all bought and paid for by the Deep State! They report on air, and/or in print, word for word, whatever they are told to report and whenever there’s a newsworthy political event, if you click from to another you will find them all saying exactly the same thing. This is why they are called FAKE NEWS! This article is a perfect example of fake news and whoever claims to have written it should be utterly ashamed of themself. And anyone who believes the fake news spewed out by any one of the above networks should also be utterly ashamed of themselves! OR they could WAKE UP and learn what’s really going on. We outnumber the people, that are responsible for every evil thing that happens in this world, by roughly a million to one! If all the good people in this world, would just wake up, it’s not hard to see what’s really going on if you have access to the internet. We could easily put an end to the evil on this planet if everyone were to wake up but for the last 50 or 60 years, it seems we’ve been content to let the Deep State run amuck causing nothing but death and destruction. And now, I’m not surprised, but they have actually made their first attempt to assassinate Donald J Trump! What in the world is it going to take to wake you people up?
JOHN E PIZZINI • Jul 21, 2024 at 3:49 am
Whoever wrote this article was a complete moron. Keep wearing a mask you moron and good for you. The depths of stupidity that people, like the author of this article, possess is really hard to fathom! COVID-19 is a real virus that was engineered in a lab to be able to infect human beings and in 2020 the creators of this virus were ordered to release a virus that was very contagious but had a very low mortality rate, and they were told that the mortality rate could easily be enhanced by fake news like this very article here. The purpose of releasing the virus was to extremely hamper, if not outright destroy, the economies of as many countries as possible and I’d say that they pretty much achieved their insidious goal. I wonder if the guy who wrote this article has admitted that he was totally wrong about everything he said, I doubt it but hopefully he’s smarter now. I wouldn’t bet on it though, chances are he’s paid whatever he considers enough, to print whatever he’s told. Everyone who works for ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, The View, and apparently “The Seahawk” have never done any real reporting if they are younger and if there are some left that are older, they gave up on real reporting and they are all bought and paid for by the Deep State! They report on air, and/or in print, word for word, whatever they are told to report and whenever there’s a newsworthy political event, if you click from to another you will find them all saying exactly the same thing. This is why they are called FAKE NEWS! This article is a perfect example of fake news and whoever claims to have written it should be utterly ashamed of themself. And anyone who believes the fake news spewed out by any one of the above networks should also be utterly ashamed of themselves! OR they could WAKE UP and learn what’s really going on. We outnumber the people, that are responsible for every evil thing that happens in this world, by roughly a million to one! If all the good people in this world, would just wake up, it’s not hard to see what’s really going on if you have access to the internet. We could easily put an end to the evil on this planet if everyone were to wake up but for the last 50 or 60 years, it seems we’ve been content to let the Deep State run amuck pausing nothing but death and destruction. And now, I’m not surprised, but they have actually made their first attempt to assassinate Donald J Trump! What in the world is it going to take to wake you people up?
John • Sep 20, 2022 at 4:47 pm
This didn’t age well…
Bama1903 • Sep 9, 2022 at 12:33 pm
Reasons why a mask doesn’t work. All Corona viruses are 5 times smaller than any n95 mask can filter, your eyes are exposed, your ear openings are exposed. All mask leak 15 to 30 %.
Only stupid poeple are incapable of doing simple math, only stupid poeple would follow a obvious corrupt narrative.
Brain washed poeple used to be call cults, now their called officials.
Mark • Dec 20, 2022 at 5:07 pm
you CANNOT eat,drink,smile or kiss or even go down on your girlfriend while wearing a talibanesque mask.
I WALKED IN EVERYWHERE MASKLESS FOR 2 YEARS, THE bank security buzzed me in a year ago,was almost the only one with a face,not wearing that dehumanizing holloween mask., I MISS THE OUTDOOR POOL AND OCEAN BEACH,GOD BLESS FREEDOM !!
BUY THE BOOK BY ROBERT F.KENNEDY JR CALLED the real anthony fauci. I call that CREEP osama bin fauci or anthony bin laden. I would post the links and My email address A underscore COMPLIMENT underscore RECEIVED proton dor Me but look at this EVEN THE RAPPER BUSTA RHYMES WENT ONSTAGE AND SAID
Brandon • Sep 9, 2022 at 2:24 am
Liberals are MORONS!
David • Jul 13, 2022 at 10:04 pm
How stupid do these people feel now 2 years after the fact? I am so happy these articles are still around, a time stamp of the liberal stupidity.
Jana • Jul 8, 2022 at 11:17 am
It’s not a matter of “civil rights”.. there is no “real” proof that the masks work and the data that shows they do are severely flawed! Knowing how to read a “study” and understand the validity of the study is critical- and these findings are crap, tbh. If a mask is so effective the people with immune deficiency, and others should be wearing masks! Not the whole of us. The “boy in the bubble” (circa 1970’s) didn’t make the WORLD around him wear a bubble!! He protected himself bc HE was the one with the immune deficiency! We are ALL going to get COVID at some point! It’s here to stay! Get over it ppl. At this point it’s fear mongering if and sheep mentality!
This article is terrible • Jun 26, 2022 at 4:05 am
This aged well…. as a joke on your publication. All evidence shows masks have done more harm to those who wear them. People that continued their daily life have stronger immunities than anyone who wore a mask.
rosemarie • Jun 25, 2022 at 4:47 pm
you people are idots
rosemarie • Jun 25, 2022 at 4:52 pm
Wearing masks are totally useless. The author is a moron.
Raymond s Adams • May 27, 2022 at 2:54 pm
It’s totally ridiculous! Wearing a mask doesn’t help anything or anyone! EVERYONE should research VIRUSES on their own and see what I’m talking about and QUIT BELIEVING THE CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE GOVERNMENT AND MAINSTREAM MEDIA ALONG WITH THE CORRUPT CDC!!
------------ • Apr 20, 2022 at 12:55 pm
lmao we used his article in class as an example of inaccuracy.
MarxistHypocrisy101 • Apr 19, 2022 at 12:31 pm
Turns out it was the Communist morons forcing everyone to wear ineffective masks, lose their jobs and livelihood because they were scared of the flu that were the selfish, stupid, evil people.
roaemarie • Jun 25, 2022 at 4:55 pm
PhdEng • Mar 17, 2022 at 3:03 pm
Damn! Time to redact this one, all the evidence points it didn’t save a single life
Joe Biden • Mar 11, 2022 at 11:55 am
People who believe these face diapers protect anyone are just incredibly stupid.
June • Jun 17, 2022 at 9:06 am
I will never wear a mask
Lewis • Mar 9, 2022 at 9:31 pm
Good piece of FNN garbage.
Generally I don’t argue with fools like this writer because they bring you down to their level and beat you with experience each and every time.
Wearing a mask is akin to putting up a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes. What utter nonsense, I’m to believe breathing in C02 is better than natural immunity. I wonder how many 1000s if not 10s of thousands have died from illness caused by the vax.
Help me understand, every liberal is vax’d yet I’m suppose to wear a mask to protect an already protected individual.
Why are these idiots so concerned about my well being. Since when do we quarantine perfectly healthy people to protect compromised individuals – LET THEM WEAR MASKS AND STAY HOME. Nona and Nono already lived their lives, I want to live my life on my terms not by mandates.
Nathaniel • Feb 15, 2022 at 12:35 pm
Cloth masks have a disclaimer on every box that flat out states they are useless against any viral pathogen. Read a box of masks and gain some knowledge. Unless it’s an NBC rated gasmask, then you’re not protected against anything. Also if you’re not wearing a hazmat suit then you’re not protected from any pathogen period. Your eyes and skin need to be covered in order to be protected. Soo much for your opinion…
Fred Stevens • Feb 10, 2022 at 12:38 pm
What an idiot. Now even the government agencies have admitted that masks are nothing more than a facial ornament. I guess you should look in the mirror, Bill.
You are a SFI.
Jason • Jan 31, 2022 at 12:33 am
Funny (not haha) that the CDC recently was forced to admit that 75% of their supposed COVID deaths had AT LEAST 4 pre-existing major medical issues….. I, and my wife, have had COVID twice now. December 2020 and January 2022. Not a big deal either time.
Fred Stevens • Feb 10, 2022 at 12:39 pm
It was 94%.
94% of cases had numerous major medical issues.
Jason • Jan 31, 2022 at 12:28 am
I remember back in 2018 researching the Spanish Flu due to the 100th anniversary. And coming upon articles about how ridiculous it is that people in China often wear masks thinking that it even might protect them from viruses. Now so many have been brainwashed into thinking that it’s necessary! I also recall the interview I watched in 2020 of the world’s leading epidemiologist, where he talked about how wearing a mask causes more harm than good and about how asymptomatic people are physically incapable of transmitting it. I’d send the link but YouTube decided to delete that video…….
j • Jan 27, 2022 at 8:33 pm
Wow, this aged well, you stupid cnt. Lolz, CDC just threw your retarded lardass under the bus. Still wearing your cloth mask?
Gee, 100 years of mask science says a mask doesn’t work with a respiratory virus.
You got covid… didnt’ you? Your mask didn’t protect you, did it.
Go to hell, covidiot. You’re probably even dead already– but but but… I was vaxxed! I can’t die.
AC • Dec 5, 2021 at 6:43 pm
Masks aren’t meant to save you FROM COVID, it’s to help PREVENT those mucus particles from spreading further into the air than they would if you just flat out didn’t cover your face when you did sneeze or cough. I’m not afraid of you giving me covid, I’m afraid of getting covid, passing it on to someone else, and that someone else getting sick from me, and having lasting effects or dying, that’s my issue, not that you’ll get ME sick, but that I’ll get YOU or others who don’t have a vax sick, who maybe can’t fight the virus.
(like using a kleenex, washing your hands, or coughing in your arm)
it isn’t 100%, it’s used so that when you sneeze or cough,
LESS shight gets shot into the air, that’s it, that’s what it does.
Jason • Jan 31, 2022 at 12:29 am
Then why do they try to force people who aren’t coughing and sneezing to wear one?
Fred Stevens • Feb 10, 2022 at 12:41 pm
Because AC is a f’ing idiot.
We know with precision how many covid cases were prevented by masks: ZERO.
Nathaniel • Feb 15, 2022 at 12:42 pm
Have you ever read a box of these useless masks? They all have a disclaimer that says they are useless against any viral pathogen period. Now if you have an NBC rated mask like a gasmask and a hazmat suit then your protected. Why wear a mask over your nose and mouth when your eyes and skin and hair are still exposed? See, the cloth mask does nothing at all unless your fully suited up. Are you fully suited up? No your not. Guess what? You’re not protected or protecting anyone else from Jack squat. You’d have to live in a sterile bubble to be protected. Covid is a corona virus and there are many of them. It’s a cold virus. Being scared of a cold virus is pretty childish. Wearing a mask without being fully suited up makes everyone that wears them look like brainwashed idiots.
Nikki • Dec 5, 2021 at 11:02 am
Aww, June 2020. What about June 2023 or 4? These will be here for years at this pace. Then local health officials will spin the “it’s a part of our culture now.” You probably work from home and only have to pop one on when you brave the grocery store. I’m stuck in one over 12 hours a day lifting up to 80lbs. It was over a 110 most days last summer, and we were forced to wear it in that all day. Heaven forbid you admit that it’s miserable. Similarly to the previous summer when we had to go back to work to make more content for everyone “safer at home”. Yes, covid is real. If this is the new normal I’d rather die. Partly from being stifled day in and day out but mainly from the virtue signalers.
J F • Nov 29, 2021 at 7:39 pm
If people are afraid of non maskers then stay home!! What happened to science? Real science with critical thinking? A virus is under a micron in size. The porosity of the cloth that you idiots claim is a mask is like trying to hold water with a chain link fence. Its the same morons that tell everyone co2 is ruining the world you know the same thing that plants use to turn into oxygen for us to breath. Didnt we learn this shit in 4 th grade or did all you idiots go to public school to get your lifetime indoctrination into stupidity of liberalism.
AC • Dec 5, 2021 at 6:42 pm
Masks aren’t meant to save you FROM COVID, it’s to help PREVENT those mucus particles from spreading further into the air than they would if you just flat out didn’t cover your face when you did sneeze or cough. I’m not afraid of you giving me covid, I’m afraid of getting covid, passing it on to someone else, and that someone else getting sick from me, and having lasting effects or dying, that’s my issue, not that you’ll get ME sick, but that I’ll get YOU or others who don’t have a vax sick, who maybe can’t fight the virus.
(like using a kleenex, washing your hands, or coughing in your arm)
it isn’t 100%, it’s used so that when you sneeze or cough,
LESS shight gets shot into the air, that’s it, that’s what it does.
Biden's emergency diaper • Nov 3, 2021 at 3:00 pm
To the people who made this article, You are the most mentally inept human failures this planet has ever seen. I am ashamed to share this earth with subservient scum like you, masks are not the problem really, it’s you and your virtue signaling.
JackAss • Jan 18, 2022 at 9:31 am
Go fuck yourself!
ExhibitA • Apr 27, 2022 at 4:43 am
U go fuck urself dumbass.. u triggered cause a lot of people are waking up to your bullshit?
You idiot • Aug 9, 2022 at 6:21 pm
You’re clearly to stupid to have a job, if you think everyone is dying..
Fuck you • Oct 26, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Where the fuck you at, im beating your ass
Clay Crash • Oct 25, 2021 at 1:48 pm
I don;t know why I’m posting this. Some people will just argue with me. I don’t want to argue. I just want to express my perspective.
These are some thoughts that go through my head. I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m not against public safety and health. I believe the COVID-19 virus is real. I know almost a dozen people that have died over the last year and a half “from COVID.” What I am against is the government telling me to wear a mask that is ineffectual, unscientific, and non-medical. Can you smell aroma through the mask? During the recent fires that burned in my area, people complained about the smoke. Why? Doesn’t your mask filter out the smoke? The virus is much smaller than the molecules that make up the smoke you’re inhaling. If the mask doesn’t filter out smoke, why do you think it will filter out any virus?
don drysdale • Dec 22, 2021 at 2:53 pm
thanks Clay–i have heard a guy say before: if two guys are arguing, one has the ‘truth’ and one doesn’t—no, neither have the truth, or at least not all of it, because they wouldn’t be arguing if they did, right? in any case, we were supposed to be able to have an opinion in what was supposed to of been a democratic society; so isn’t banning someone from their You Tube channel a bit extreme, and why would the powers behind it do that? obviously because they are afraid of something. i have no question all of this madness is about fear, however, why don’t you just look at how it all began in spring 2020, and consider how life was prior. even during WWI, the temporary masking was done stickily for patriotic reasons, even though i have no question about 50 million people had died after the war was done. i would think that should tell anyone with common sense about what has been going on now. the W9 mask, or whatever they call them, were only originally meant for surgeons to wear. where was all this masking and so forth during the 2017-18 year alone, when 42 million had the flu and 61,000 died, who were just the usual with pre-existing immune system problems? none. who began this and why?
JackAss • Jan 18, 2022 at 9:33 am
Keep dying I need your fucking job!
Steve • Oct 4, 2021 at 12:14 am
Auntie mask wears are murders really take your head out of your butt it’s a joke okay everybody’s got mandates and stuff it’s a joke it’s not done right everybody should have the freedom act and do what they want but apparently now we’re living in a democracy and it’s a joke I can’t say it enough I’m not going to get into it cuz it just pisses me off everybody that thinks covid is a killer disease and deadly should just stick it up for the sun doesn’t shine if you want a shot get it if you don’t don’t nothing should be closed to anybody unless this is a democracy I guess it is a democracy then our government needs to be shot
Goober • Oct 22, 2021 at 4:40 pm
Like um..yeah….like um…whatever dude………….
Michael Godwin • Dec 13, 2021 at 12:37 am
Thanks. Fire Fauci. Impeach the Brandon
Sickoftheselfriteousness • Sep 26, 2021 at 5:36 pm
Really ? anti maskers are Murderers ?? wake up. Humans especially babies and little kids need to read and learn about facial expressions. Isn’t psychological well being important ? especially for kids ? or actually all people. Constantly wearing a mask isn’t just uncomfortable. If you suffer from migraines or are feeling just plain not well the mask makes it far worse. Having to wear the mask for hours on end is almost unbearable if this is considered a forever type thing. Its wrong and should not continue indefinately and those who think we are all being selfish I say “okay are you willing to change your life around MY needs ?” Life is life. Theres some inherant risk involved and once this virus is under some type of control we should NOT be FORCED breathe through a mask until the end of time. PERIOD END OF STORY Just a side note: Does Rex above own all of the grocery stores etc ? and who says they belong to those who want to wear a mask ? wow…
Wesley Fallon • Sep 23, 2021 at 2:54 am
The last portion should have read:
* “Works” on Covid-19, its variants and virtually any RNA-based virus via penetration of the cellular wall, to the cytoplasm where it disallows cell machinery to produce more virions. Since viruses cannot reproduce by themselves and can only try to direct cell machinery to create additional virions, when the existing virions die, as they are no longer BEING REPRODUCED, the symptoms disappear and the body recovers.
Wesley Fallon • Sep 23, 2021 at 2:50 am
I had Covid-19 and now have antibody protection that is over twice the units per milliliter of blood required by the American Red Cross for donation of convalescent plasma. I healed myself of the virus and did so very easily, though full credit belongs to God. When the truth is no longer able to be suppressed and the world discovers how easily the virus is defeated, it appears very likely that the level of outrage will be extreme. I already know what works* and though it would be great to share it with others, I’m virtually prevented from doing so because when I have, it served only to rouse anger or engender disbelief. I found it both frustrating and futile to debate people who refuse to think objectively, logically and critically. Therefore, I’m planning to attempt to share it anonymously on YouTube, though it will almost undoubtedly be removed immediately, its solid grounding in scientific fact notwithstanding. Thus, in doing so I anticipate only additional frustration and futility though my conscience will be clear as I will have at least tried.
* “Works” on Covid-19, its variants and virtually any RNA-based virus via penetration of the cellular wall, to the cytoplasm where it disallows cell machinery to produce more virions. Since viruses cannot reproduce by themselves and can only try to direct cell machinery to create additional virions, when the existing virions die, as they are no longer reproducing, the symptoms disappear and the body recovers.
Gman • Aug 23, 2021 at 10:32 pm
I agree with Mr. Toon! OSHA regulates masks and how they specifically work, and I have yet to see some one speaking on their behalf. If you really want a full proof mask, they wear a respirator one, minimal N95.. Any other mask are laughable at best and all you stupid brain dead people wearing them in 95 degree heat outside, you look pretty silly. I got a better idea, quit testing so much, then it will go away much like Influenza A/B did, 2018 was the worst year for that because we tested all the time, covid hits and we don’t test for anything but covid. So basically our lovely morons in government have, partnered up with our Big Pharma and Big Tech to push Vaccine mandates on us and masks mandates, yet you see politicians running around at dinner parties without them, go figure.
Looneytoonsindville • Aug 23, 2021 at 8:39 am
You can roll out as many liars as you want to make your masking points, but it doesn’t change the FACTS. COVID is a virus. It is so much smaller than the weave of almost all medical masks that using a mask to prevent COVID is like trying to make a water cup out of a fly screen. The water will pass right through the screen and the COVID virus will pass right through the mask material. Not only that, but when you cough, the mask material will break large particles into tiny particles that pass through and carry the virus. So why does our government lie about masks and why are they trying to force 5 year olds in kindergarten to wear masks? It is a sign of their power over the people. In the United States, We The People used to be in charge. They want to take that power away from us and give it to themselves; authoritarian tyrants. It is that simple. They have co-opted the Chinese Communist Party to assist them in making this transformation; to make this the Communist States of America; a silent revolution.
kim heller • Aug 4, 2021 at 3:18 pm
everybody is wearing a mask. the virus is still spreading. Seems like the definition of NOT EFFECTIVE.
R • Jul 11, 2021 at 4:34 pm
What’s wrong with people? They are so self absorbed over this mask issue. It’s not about you or your rights, it’s about protecting you and others. The problem is this country has no discipline. Make sure you tell the surgeon if operating on you or a loved one not to wear a mask so he/she can breathe their germs into your open cavity, then you can die of sepsis…….What’s the difference? Germs are germs….some more lethal than others.
You know what the rules are so don’t fly if you don’t agree. If you do then follow the rules and keep your ass in the seat and mind your own business. Read a book, watch a movie,…better yet….take a nap.
Michael Godwin • Dec 13, 2021 at 12:40 am
You are the worst type of idiot
anthony • May 31, 2022 at 12:06 pm
You really don’t get it, do you?
jenny • Jul 11, 2021 at 4:27 pm
Give me an example of a country or a few in which because of masks, and only because of masks, and it’s been confirmed, the amount of infections has slown down.
And I’ll give you a plethora of examples where despite masks the cases have increased.
Jim Drury • Jul 3, 2021 at 6:35 pm
Vaccines are a huge waste of time. The human race is scum and needs to die. You all make me sick. My eyes will see the glory of the cleansing of this world. Loss of human life is no loss. Life is not worth living… Thanks to all you people. The reckoning is coming.
Rex • Jun 26, 2021 at 12:51 am
You all have you’re RITE to not wear a mask or get vaccinated…..But…. We also have the same RITE to not allow you to enter our establishments, fly in a plane, supermarkets, public transport, taxis, sporting venues, banks, schools, place of employment, HOSPITALS etc
anthony • May 31, 2022 at 12:08 pm
No your plane, not your restaurant, not your school, not your bank. Get it moron????
JHell82 • Jul 11, 2022 at 9:23 pm
Well actually you don’t. You’re discrimination is abhorrent. Oh and you’re a fucking retard.
frank tanana • Aug 30, 2022 at 10:49 am
Ok, based on your brainwashed logic, lets try this….people driving cars kill people all the time. If you are driving your car, you are a threat to my “safety”. Therefore, based on your logic, I have the right NOT to allow you on the road driving your car!
Non-Sheeple • Jun 14, 2021 at 7:34 pm
People that honestly believe that a thin fabric mask is going to accomplish anything other than giving yourself pneumonia or other serious health problems are sadly mistaken. These masks do nothing but slowly reduce our rights as free human beings, and it’s all because of the bull being spouted by every single corrupt government and media source. Also, people that wish death on others over something like this should really be ashamed of themselves. End of rant. Good day.
Fred Stevens • Jun 14, 2021 at 12:16 pm
William Becker has fecal matter in his skull.
Fred Stevens • Jun 14, 2021 at 12:16 pm
Tomorrow is June 15th. On June 15th in California Covid-19 will magically disappear and the 2020 Democrat Election Fraud Flu finally ends. We must do one thing starting on June 16th:
Look for people with masks on and beat the living shit out of every single one we see.
Fred Stevens • Jun 14, 2021 at 12:11 pm
… Now 1.5 years later the overwhelming amount of data shows:
1. Masks were 100% ineffective at stopping a virus;
2. Masks caused people to touch their faces and thereby caused the virus to spread;
3. Most cases were diagnosed in spite of the fact that the person wore a mask.
If you believed that wearing a mask was beneficial you are an idiot.
If you berated, complained or otherwise troubled anyone who would not wear a mask, you should be beaten.
rod wargo • Jun 12, 2021 at 11:19 am
, you fucking liars come at me with a syringe i will take it out of your hands and stick it up your ass
ted nugent for government
rod wargo • Jun 12, 2021 at 11:12 am
people really need to educate themselves , really really well , not call your neighbour stupid if he doesnt agree with you…..????? how do people think its ok to spew comments like this blog has for a title , its horrible and is abusive to the people that dont conform so easily , and hey lets have a look at the reason people dont trust government and institutions ………
well for starters , in my lifetime of 55 yrs i have witnessed every single government around the world and any associated with them , lying insesently , it seems as though thats all they are capable of ….lie after lie after lie ….. so is it any fucking wonder that people like me whom are not stupid ( unlike the stupid title of this blog)
are apprehensive to let a bunch of liars stick an untested potentially fatal potion in thier bodies . ( i think the latter is very foolish)
ive personally know several people who contracted the manufactured virus , and they have said its just the flu 4 to 5 days and gone then your immune system has built antibodies to that virus and you wont get it unless they change the makeup .which is being done but not told to us
im sure there is a busload of you here that are gonna verbally beat the shit out of me I DONT FUCKING CARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont be a sheep god gave you an incredible immune system trust your immune sytem and stop eating garbage food , something no scientist will say ??????????????????????????????????
while i write this to a group of people that would probably like to see me hung for not being one of them (sheeple)
my wife is laying beside me in pain sweating , shaking , very scared , has called emergency hospital , and cant feel her arm , hasnt eaten for days ,
can you guess why ……………………. she got the untested toxic bullshit vaccine injected into her because she works at an elderly home , not even 4 hours post vaccine , and we are scared for her life .
so as a result, she was perfectly healthy was forced to get vaccine and now cant work and is laying on the couch half dead ,
stacey • Jun 5, 2021 at 2:57 pm
Facemask are the biggest joke. They are not effective and finally it is coming out.
Gaijams • Jun 5, 2021 at 2:43 am
You know it’s truly sad about your little story?? Do Ya?? I’d bet you don’t. You’re poorly written and ill-timed dissertation on who is the stupid one, the masked lemming, or the one who still can use facial recognition technology? I say there’s a third option, YOU’RE the STUPID one. But I would expect someone with such a narrow-minded and Draconian look at a subject they know nothing about would start off by saying and I quote, “It is the middle of Summer”. Young Becker, we are in the middle of Spring with Summer still nearly 3 weeks away b4 it BEGINS. WHY DON’T you GO TAKE A GANDRR IN THE MIRROR YOU POMPOUS ADOLESCENT
Bubba • May 31, 2021 at 4:05 pm
Any person that’s taken a basic OSHA course knows how ignorant these mask Karen’s are. What a fool this author is. What’s ironic , but he is too stupid to know, is that he is probably wearing a PPE to virtue signal his wokeness. That is essentially a virus vacuum. He should be thankful this cold has a 99.97% survival rate our his dumb ass would be dead.
YEAH • May 25, 2021 at 9:09 am
I agree with these 3 ppl.
John handler • May 22, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Unfortunately if you actually look at the real science masks can do very little to protect you especially cloth masks. Keeping distance from people is the only thing that works and maybe a n95 mask may help a little , Anyone wearing a cloth mask is totally clueless
Thoth al Khem • May 21, 2021 at 3:53 pm
The MASK is the new Yellow Star of David and only STUPID-FLUORIDATED (Poison and makes you stupid-In your toothpaste and it says poison on the tube) Humans wear a mask and think it would help even if this was a REAL PANDEMIC. which it is not. I learned Hebrew just to read and study one book so I am NOT stupid OR ON SODIUM FLUORIDE.
Joe Blow • May 19, 2021 at 7:44 pm
If you wear a mask and you’re fully vaccinated, you’re a moron. And for those of you bed-wetting crybabies who think it’s my job or responsibility to protect you from viruses, it’s not. If you want to wear a mask, feel free, but stop telling me what to do. Life is about risk assessment; if you want to be free from society, stay at home. Now fuck off.
HA HAHAHAHAHAHA • May 18, 2021 at 12:12 pm
Opps • May 14, 2021 at 8:29 am
I thought then comments were getting deleted but they were just disappearing for moderation lol.
Robin Sweeney • May 13, 2021 at 9:21 pm
I think all this covid is a bunch of bullshit everyone fell for this shit foe over a year enough is enough NO MORE DAMN MASK ITS JUST BULLSHIT REALLY IDIOTS STOP BUYING INTO THE GOVERNMENT CRAP OMG GROW THE FK UP
stop • May 13, 2021 at 8:47 pm
Jk but please stop deleting my comments.
asa • May 13, 2021 at 8:47 pm
You let people say fuck but I cant say my opinion. SOunds like a scam and I should hack ya.
WHY • May 13, 2021 at 8:46 pm
Stop deleting my comment when it has good info
Mask • May 13, 2021 at 8:30 pm
Why should we wear a mask. A thin piece of paper isn’t going to protect us against a super killer virus. Also, the 2nd covid vaccine makes people sick and has more risk than covid with a 99%+ survival rate.
MASKS SHALL DIE • May 13, 2021 at 8:04 pm
I think masks are a waste of time. People can die from suffocating in the masks and they do nothing. Thin pieces of paper will do nothing against a virus. And the 2nd vaccine shot that’s making everyone sick is way worse than covid which has a 99%+ survival rate so don’t get the vaccine. Also, PRO TRUMP!!!
Monkfsu • May 10, 2021 at 8:59 pm
If you actually look at graphs/data and when mask mandates are enacted there is absolutely no drop in cases, actually increases across the board. It is proven through many rct studies that mask wearing is actually worse for you. You really think everyone is wearing masks correctly like in a hospital? Seriously, they are touched all day long, become sponges of bacteria on your face and lower oxygen levels. All states that have opened up are actually doing better than states that are still locked down. The hospitals and ERs were never overrun. You can go to the cdc and check these stats for yourself. We never ran out of toilet paper, millions of people haven’t died, and it didn’t take 15 days to flatten the curve. You are allowing all of your freedoms to be taken away voluntarily and allowing the US to be destroyed.
Dr Seuss. • May 6, 2021 at 3:54 pm
I am a doctor and can advise that vaccines work. Viruses exist, and masks help save lives. The data is all there and most of it is graspable by even folks without a GED.
Anyone telling you otherwise is lying, or has been lied to.
Shame on them.
concerned citizen • May 6, 2021 at 3:49 pm
so many idiots think they are experts, it’s sad that so many comments here are from absolutely idiots, im sure my cats are smarter than them.
wear a mask you morons, i hope if you dont wear one you die of covid gasping for air. you sick piece of human garbage.
No mask • Apr 24, 2021 at 3:24 am
Suckers it’s about controll
Figure it out
Get over it
You want your kids growing up
jen • Apr 23, 2021 at 1:29 pm
most of the masks people are wearing (the single use kind) are too porous to effectively stop inhalation of the virus. therefore they give a false sense of security.
this falls in line with the mass mentality of being turned into obedient sheeple who live in constant fear, thanks to the media.
check the facts.
regular influenza kills more people than the covid-19 strain, yet it is not sensationalized like the covid-19.
fuckyou • Apr 18, 2021 at 4:40 am
how about before you go into a public place they test you and if you don’t fucking have it fuck the mask if you do have covid fuck off
Josh • Apr 15, 2021 at 11:35 am
Fuck you and your mask.
BoAllan Clinton • Apr 4, 2021 at 9:51 pm
People are still going to due regardless of wearing a mask or not. This is all about control of the population.
John • Apr 4, 2021 at 6:37 am
I truly hope that all the non mask-wearing idiots and the almost as bad morons that keep their noses stuck up out of their friggn masks just keep spreading covid among themselves and please for the love of god let them all die from it because world desperately needs fewer morons.
Scott Bigger • Apr 1, 2021 at 6:11 pm
Anyone know why amish dont get covid-19?
Because they dont have televisions!
Educated AND Street wise • Mar 27, 2021 at 11:28 pm
I had no idea just how uneducated the majority were till I saw them all wearing masks, no questions asked. So if anyone in person tells you to sniff a deadly bio-weapon, you will? Then please give me your addresses, I’ll put my uniform on right now. Seriously; I’m a trained health professional and I KNOW viruses do not exist, you have been told by many professionals that no virus has ever been isolated. Isn’t that interesting; they have a name for something they never proved existed. YOU ARE THE VIRUSES fools! Do you ever think for yourselves or just follow orders? Yes, please put the mask on and do what they are telling you to do, “shut up”! and if you fear an invisible virus STAY THE HELL HOME AND DON’T COME OUT!
Alex • Mar 24, 2021 at 9:10 am
Surgical and cloth masks do not prevent viral transmission nor are they designed too its just a bandaid to make people feel safer wake up.
Shan • Mar 21, 2021 at 3:12 am
These anti-maskers remind of the people, including Doctors, that said masks did not work and should not be worn for surgeries 100 years ago . Their excuse, however, was the lack of scientific knowledge. You feeling that way is either plain stupidity or ignorance. There is a reason Doctors have known it is a good idea to wear that thin surgical mask for 100 years…it prevents them from contaminating their patient or spreading disease to them when they are in a weakened state. There is a reason that, for 40 years now, medical professionals wear masks when dealing with patients that are know to be sick…the masks provide protection in both directions. Believing otherwise only proves you get your knowledge from social media, opinion news shows, ignorant politicians or cereal boxes. Common sense should tell you masks are effective. It is. It rocket science…you spit when you talk, laugh or cough. We all know viruses and bacteria are in our spittle. Masks catch lots of spittle. Try hard and make the connection….if you don’t get it, find the nearest 12 year old and ask them to explain it to you. FYI, I also hate to break it to you…the world is round and we did land on the moon.
Ronko • Feb 2, 2022 at 6:26 am
People camt really be this stupid. If your serious and believe what you said then we really are a world in a lot of trouble. Have you researched any of this for yourself. It sounds like your repeating shit you was told by the msm. Again ate you really this simple minded. Seriously though if you people that believe this continue to breed its a 100% the human race will end. People like you are why we need warning labels. But its from your government it myst be true. Absolute morons. YOU are the ENTIRE problem.
Stacy • Feb 4, 2022 at 1:36 pm
Go fuck yourself and when your done go fuck yourself some more
Johnny boy • Mar 19, 2021 at 1:37 pm
Lets stop mixing everything up.
People should stop saying that if someone doesn’t want to wear the mask he or she is a conspiracy theorist.
Of course wearing a mask sitting at a desk is easy but try to work outside in plus 30 degree centigrade weather.
Plus is it really healthy to breathe your own breath all day?
Yes Covid is bad but it’s been taken so much out of proportion and know one really knows anything.
It’s not Ebola for gods sake with plus 90% fatalities.
Children in third world countries are suffering and dying because of our over reaction. Old people have died of depression for not being able to see others in old peoples homes, etc etc. Count the real cost .
Stay home and you will be safe. Stay at 6 feat or is it 6.5 or us it 5?
We are destroying peoples livelihoods .
Death is part of life! Live free and die free or live a zombie and die already dead to this world.
My parents are over 80 and I haven’t been able to see them now for more than a year because they live 0n another continent.
All because we are over reacting. Yes wear the mask in a store and don’t go to a restaurant if you are afraid.
So much more to say but writing from a phone is too difficult and anyway the panic people will never understand no matter how erroneous the statistics are.
John • Mar 18, 2021 at 9:31 pm
If you are old overweight or have a preexisting condition stay at home and if you wanna wear a mask wear one
Unmasked Avenger • Mar 15, 2021 at 12:41 pm
My body, my choice.
Oh wait, thats for the other thing. The thing that liberals support despite it ending or depriving a life of the opportunity to start.
But hey, kill the babies and protect the old people. Should be the new motto for the Democrat Party.
Gary • Mar 14, 2021 at 12:19 pm
if you are covering your face, it tells me you watch tv & do what it says.
You listen to elected & appointed officials makes no difference which party.
I do not have this problem. I also have firsthand real world experience in not catching ill.
Outside this entire time, from day one of Safer at Home.
This is definitely one of the most stupid examples in all of human history.
You never learned what propaganda is? You are literally wearing it on your face!
The virus is the mask, it is socially contagious….total consumers are the most vulnerable to get it.
Why not add your favorite logo to your mask, propaganda laced with advertising.
Freud’s nephew would be doing a jig in his tomb.
For every single one of you pointing to “the science” SCIENCE IS NOT VAGUE.
which science are you referring to? who is the scientist? who do they work for?
Are you qualified to identify a virus under a microscope?
I know not to trust any of them. I know innately not to allow a Government to inject me with anything.
There would be no doubts ( aka conspiracies for all you totally transparent mainstream folks)
there would be no doubts if the stories made sense, if there were evidence everyone could see for themselves.
Take my word for it, is not good enough for me.
All the people selling you this shit, all these people in the same positions have sold you every other lie.
The very same people would tell you September 11 happened as reported.
Your ears & eyeballs are entry ways shit for brains.
Just look at the outdoor eating set ups. Beyond stupid. The State sets up this ridiculous protocol & you really believe a virus goes along with it?
Does this world look like CARE? You think your mayor cares about you this time?
As you roll thru the Golden Arches or Jack in the Box or shovel processed garbage into your mouth, but you are worried about a virus?
Stay home if you really believe it. A year ago the top doctor was telling fools to STOP BUYING MASKS THEY DON’t WORK. You are stupid. I too wish there were a rash of fatal car crashes or a few billion biting the dust in mass. If this were really happening we would all know it without a tv.
KK • Mar 7, 2021 at 7:12 pm
OMG the idiocy I am reading and I won’t say either way how I see it, so not to incite. I just have to say – ignorance of this manner is what lends itself to racism.
Dr Bunson Honeydew • Mar 4, 2021 at 7:31 am
Tricia L. • Feb 27, 2021 at 1:12 am
It is completely stupid wearing a mask !! Please stop being sheep!!! But that’s ok sheep die and are ignorant.
Anon • Feb 25, 2021 at 12:48 am
Please learn how to spell and learn grammar before commenting, otherwise I have no reason to listen to you.
Gage • Feb 24, 2021 at 1:40 pm
masks are retarded and ***k*** suck
Joe • Feb 21, 2021 at 4:20 pm
I love how its the people who stay in their homes that paint doctors as heros for doing there job and assuming nothing else is more dangerous than a virus. Ive worked in environments that viruses are made in. Its nasty, gross, inhmanely cheap labor, and legal. Then u insult my intelligence by telling me ur afraid to die or take risks when everyone knows 3m used fiberglass in there masks for years. Which is why for another reason they were in effective. As soon as they wear out they do more harm to ur lungs than good and cause things like lung infections and bleeding. Especially if there are a lot of particulates in the mask. So do a mask that would actually work for anything u had to spend at least like 40 bucks. But they stopped selling those everywhere because employers are cheap and get dumb peoplebto wear the 3m masks. Facts. Just like when they made the tobbaco companies put filters on the cigarettes, so what did they use? Fiberglass so that it can cut ur lungs up when u suck air thru it… so figure it out. If u think they are making u wear masks for ur health… and not because money is involved… perhaps u are uninformed. Many problem gets solved anymore by “hiding” the effects of the problem but not fixing it. But as someone who has alot of experience wearing alot of different kinds of mask. Whether u smoke or are jus subseptable, if u wear the cheap masks or cloth ones every day, u will get pnemonia or lung infection. Its the moisture neing trapped against ur face from your breath. Being young you might not notice it. But you will definately be likely to attribute those affects to covid if u didnt understand that basic mechanic. He got pneumonia, i mean covid or course! Obviously its cause the covid. I mean, really, it had nothin to do with the fact that he wore a mask on his face for a year. But yeah, if u ever put any REAL miles on working a job like that ud know people get infections, cancer, tb, bronchitis, copd, pneumonia, and other shit ALL THE TIME. But people who dont do hard work dont know that. Truth is we are all GOING to die someday, just what choices u gonna make, and how u gonna meet ur end? Corona, an intelligent concern? No. World hunger, 10mil a year die from that. If we spent the money shutin shit down and shit that we spent on covid in the entire world, those 10million people wouldnt die this year. So if you dont bring up the world hunger crisis in the same sentence as covid or mask wearing, i jus tune u out. Life has taught me you probably having nothing u can say that will make me believe covid is more of a problem than world hunger. Rather, feed the hungry first, THEN fix covid. Fix what you know needs fixing and reduce ur list of problems so things like covid dont compound ur issues. If u dont understand that, then I cant help ya buddy. They make plenty of money of our taxes to sovle these problems, but they just dont. Instead they make it your problem. Well if WHO aint doin shit, the us gov aint doin shit, or u dont like it, then go sue them and get my money back for me, and let me know how that goes
Ryden • Feb 20, 2021 at 1:40 pm
“Follow the science” from a bunch of people who lie to your face. Start by telling the truth if you want people to believe you instead of enforcing your standards like we asked you to be our mother.
Dee • Feb 12, 2021 at 4:36 pm
I’m a 72 white fee emale. I am appalled at ignorance my fellow Americans display by not wearing a mask. Not wearing a mask is more dangerous for innocent people than drunk drivers!! Wearin a bandana on your face shows a very low intelligence of the wearer. One lady told me a mask is too uncomfortable , so shecwears a loose bandana. My, my, I, personally could not place my comfort above the SAFETY of others!
Love this quote:
“Not wearing a mask is not a political statement — it is an I.Q. test!”
clueless in USA • Jan 19, 2022 at 6:31 pm
yes it is, and you failed!
RB • Feb 11, 2021 at 3:05 am
There are plenty of credible doctors and scientists who explain how the masks don’t work. They would like to have discussions with the appointed “experts” but they get mad and try to shut them down. That behavior tends to imply they have another agenda going on and things to hide. It is also oppressive. When have those at the top ever cared about the good of the people over their own selfish gains in wealth and power? Never. They don’t care so what makes you think they care now? Don’t just listen to what Fauci and the media says, do some research and then decide. Wear a face diaper or 2 if you want, but don’t oppress your self-righteous beliefs on others.
ms • Feb 7, 2021 at 1:15 pm
I love this thread of comments. Like others, I found it googling “dumbasses who don’t wear masks”. Cheers! mask wearers…its survival of the fittest.
hahaha • Feb 2, 2021 at 6:51 pm
wear a mask
hahaha • Feb 2, 2021 at 6:51 pm
Mick Tomlinson • Jan 27, 2021 at 1:03 pm
Justin, two seater cars and big gas sucking vehicles that can cause fatalities are not communicable in society. They communicate via higher insurance rates. Fast food is communicable via increased insurance premiums. Same goes with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc… So, your response is flawed. By the way, since ObamaCare has come in (increased government control of the insurance industry) and more states instituting more regulations upon the medical sector what has happened to those premiums? Once again, the government is stepping in to try and control and regulate something they have no business being involved in. It’s amazing that two days after the US has a new administration sworn in the WHO organization has reversed all prior rulings and opinions regarding shutdowns and mask wearing even as cases are spiking in some states. To those who left comments about the EU and their masks mandates. Oops. Look what happened. The countries with the tightest controls are having the highest number of cases. To those countries with no mandates , not much going on. To those states that let it be… occasional spikes. Doesn’t really matter. If you take away all the annualized normal numbers for heart disease deaths, cancer, flu (about zero of zero% this year) on and on and look at the remaining COVID deaths you could count them on one hand. THERE HAS NOT BEEN AN INCREASE WORLDWIDE IN DEATHS VS PRIOR YEARS ADJUSTED FOR POPULATION LEVELS. Wear a mask and identify yourself as a DUMAS. Do the rest of the world a favor so we can run over your small two seater in our bug evil car.
Eeik • Jan 26, 2021 at 10:24 pm
I know lets tell everyone that 2 masks work better. But why stop at 1? How bout 3 masks. People enjoy and need enslavement. At this point if you are going to wear a mask especially if you are going to wear more than one just wear a plastic bag and get it over with. Enjoy suffocating yourselves. The whole “my mask protects you” and “your mask protects me” is to guilt you into wearing one. To protect others. Oh when are people going to wake up? I’m going to say never or when it is way too late.
Darin Price • Jan 22, 2021 at 10:03 pm
I am a medical professional. All of you that think masks work, are dumb as hell. STOP telling us what you do not know and what you think you know…..because you do not know! Masks do not work! Hand hygiene and knowing how to cover a sneeze or cough is effective and that’s it. If you choose to be an uneducated misinformed dumbass please go to hell and stop bothering the adults!
Kodi • Jan 20, 2021 at 8:39 am
Face masks do absolutely nothing to prevent transmission of a virus. It is like
Trying to hold back mosquitos with a chain link fence. In fact not only are they not effective they are harmful to people’s health. Breathing all that C02 is not healthy. One of the ways your body removes toxins is through expiration and it is not healthy to breathe that back in. You can also expect to see a rise in oral infections and bacterial lung infections from mask wearing which NOT FROM THE VIRUS. This mask wearing nonsense has NO BASIS IN SCIENCE WHATSOEVER. Do your own research and you will see the truth. Wake up America it’s time to start thinking for yourself and stop listening to the LIES OF THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA
John Story • Jan 18, 2021 at 3:44 pm
The coronavirus is going to become a part of our world just like the flu has always been. Those of you who think that all of us should be forced, against our will, to wear a damn mask everywhere we go – ARE CRAZY!!! As if it’s going to prevent the spread. How’s that going so far? Not worth a damn! Those of you who think that forcing people to cover their faces all day every day for the rest of our lives is going to somehow slow this thing down or prevent it from spreading… YOU are the idiots! The coronavirus will become or has already become, The flu 2. There’s nothing we can do to stop it. All we can do is take an annual vaccine in hopes of not getting it that year, that is if the scientists happen to create a vaccine for the proper strain of coronavirus that year ….. Just as with the common flu. People get sick, and die of the flu every year. Nobody ever demanded that we wear masks in order to prevent that! People are now going to get sick, and die of coronavirus every year. People get sick with the flu every single year. People are now going to get sick with the coronavirus every single year. Why did nobody wear masks prior to the coronavirus, in order to stop the spread of the flu? Because everybody hates wearing a fucking mask! And because that practice is completely ineffective at controlling the spread of the flu, or coronavirus in this case!
To all of you self-righteous demanding mask wearers… Screw off! You can wear your mask if you want. But I don’t have to. What’s our world going to be like if no one can leave their homes anymore without a mask on? Is that freedom? Is that the Way we want to live as Americans, the most free will country in the world? Not me! All of you who think that we should have a law to wear masks should consider first what a painful and awful exercise it is to always make sure that you have a mask with you when you leave the house… Always make sure that you put it on …. when you’re riding in your car or going into a business… It just sucks! The people that were immunocompromised when they contracted coronavirus are no different than the people who were immunocompromised when they contracted the flu!!
People… Please start using your common sense here. The population will develop a resistance to this virus, just as we have always developed resistance to every other virus that has been introduced to the human body. Yes, we are going to lose some people, but we lose people every year to other viruses and other illnesses. Don’t destroy life as we know it just because you’re scared of a little bug.
Helena • Jan 14, 2021 at 9:56 pm
I respect law enforcement, they don’t wear masks. They have self respect. A person in a mask is lower than an animal, it is disgusting. Do you see Bill Gates in a mask? Nope. Because you are his animals.
Reasonable citizens • Jan 6, 2021 at 5:34 pm
Not the mask that is the problem, it’s how we use it. Everyone talks about the science, no one shows it.
Try to read this without your biased opinion. https://www.aier.org/article/the-year-of-disguises/
Anah Beit • Dec 22, 2020 at 3:01 pm
I don’t care if it’s “considered “irresponsible or selfish, I don’t care about protecting people I don’t care if it’s mandate, all of the people who wears masks have you seen the dead people have you seen the sick people, no ? Because the hospitals are empty. So since you guys care about other people I hope you all die . Nobody is going to force me to wear a mask nobody is forcing me to do anything. And I’m sorry that your dumb parents gave you consolation prizes for spelling your name but your not special and you have no brain to think for yourself. You shouldn’t believe what your parents say, I’m not going to do anything to protect the public ,people have gotten sick before get over yourselves. This is just dumb how your all acting im never coming back to this site so say whatever you want it wont effect me , I’m just so done .. with.. all of this covid crap I hope everyone who wears a mask dies violently. #ifyoubelieveinmasksyoubelieveinabortion
Don Dixon • Dec 22, 2020 at 5:09 am
Believing that a cloth mask will protect anyone from catching a virus is like thinking a chain link fence will keep flies out of your yard. It is so stupid that it’s embarrassing to be a member of the same species as people who believe this.
don drysdale • Dec 22, 2021 at 3:09 pm
thanks Don–i have been beyond shocked at millions of people since this madness began in spring 2020–i had actually thought things were getting better since 911 20 years ago, but have been baffled none-the-less. David Icke who was banned from his You Tube channel in spring 2020– which was just for mentioning what he thought of the 5g thing at the time supposedly– had pre-announced this coming in 2019 as well that he pre-announced 911 20 years ago, just because he has known the beyond psychopathic cult’s behind this agenda for us. however, what excuse is there after we had 20 year to study 911, that millions still haven’t learned you can’t trust the mainstream media and need to investigate information first? there was a structural engineer day one of 911 who said he knew Bush were behind it then; anyone one who has ever watched a demolition show would of. Icke had said too that many of these people are actually under a spell of what now can be called the Bill Gates cult, and i think that especially the youngest generations being chronically addicted to i-phones the last 20 years has been much to do with, because they have been spurting mainstream lies 24/7, not to mention chem trails and all the rest of the lunacy.
Tayton • Dec 11, 2020 at 6:29 pm
My dad is an ER doctor and he has seen people who have died from covid-19 and they’re last words were “i regret not wearing a mask” if wearing a mask is thae hardest thing in your life then you should look at my life i have epilepsy/optic nerve hypoplasia,panhypopituitarism and yet i still don’t complain and i am 15 wearing a mask under your nose does nothing SO PLEASE WEAR A MASK SO MORE PEOPLE DON’T DIE.
Smarterthanu • Feb 2, 2022 at 6:38 am
Why can you people not grasp the fact that mask or no mask if covid is there youll get it. The damn mask is useless. PERIOD the science on this is not debatable. Also vaxed or unvaxed dont make a difference either. Covid is nothing. You literally have a greater chance of being struck by lightning or better odds of winning lottery jackpot 3 times in a row than you do from dying from covid. So will you start buying all lotto tickets now? Your odds are much much better than what you believe to be saving yourself from. People die WITH covid more than FROM covid. Big diff. Now its been a few years. Rregret these words or dod youget taken by covid now despite that mask and jabs. If i put a bullet in a revolver. You playing Russian roulet? You have mych better odds … You geting this yet?
Raymond Anthony Vanlanot • Dec 10, 2020 at 9:04 pm
choice!, be smart!!!
Raymond Anthony Vanlanot • Dec 10, 2020 at 9:03 pm
It’s for all of us! Don’t be the lazy person! Take it upon yourself to do what you want others to do. It’s no hard, it’s simple. Just do it, or be ignorant…its a simple choive!
Wake up • Feb 2, 2022 at 6:41 am
You mean dont do it or be ignorant. The people that can think for themselves and see whats going on, those are not the ignorant ones the sheeple are. Like your ignorant ass.
Jimmy • Dec 8, 2020 at 3:41 pm
Studies have shown that masks (“slave muzzles”) don’t do anything. Early on Fauci himself said people shouldn’t be wearing them. The science of virology doesn’t just change so it’s not like studies showed between the time of him saying that and now that masks are a good idea. Covid-19 is at most as bad as the flu – if you accept all the wrongly attributed deaths and false-positives which are immense – and yet for the flu no one went around wearing masks. People need to wake up and realize the mainstream narrative of what is true can be basically the opposite of reality and that we are being lied to. William Becker is an arrogant dweeb who lumps people questioning masks with flat-earthers. What a moron who wants to live in his own bubble and will baselessly label people in order to do so. At the same time he virtue signals by saying that those who don’t wear masks risk innocent lives because they are “uncomfortable.” What an utterly miserable person he must be to project such stupidity onto people. No – I don’t not wear masks because they make me “uncomfortable.” I don’t wear masks because they don’t do anything, our country is locked down and millions are starving in the third world because of the scare mongering (which you have added to), and politicians have used masks as an excuse to power grab when they don’t believe in the mandates they themselves are issuing (Pelosi, Newson, etc. etc. being caught violating the safety precautions they forcefully issue). Even if you believe masks work, the lockdowns are doing immensely more harm than their purported good.
Biff Erickson • Dec 2, 2020 at 7:49 am
F the M
Rusty Shackleford • Nov 29, 2020 at 5:20 pm
I can spell it slower if you like… a d h o m i n e m. (To be far kinder, which you likely never hear, it must be wonderful living in your leftist world with blinders on.) I particularly enjoy how you assume others’ views because it is what you consider ‘evil’. Look back at what I wrote. At no point, did I say I was anti-mask? No, I’m pro-facts and pro-science. If you think you know that stopping covid via your cotton ply mask is so effective, show me the research or evidence. At this point, I have only seen research and evidence of masks beyond the single-ply cotton material that most wear. Even further, that is based on being washed in hospital grade washers. I am open to facts and evidence, but most of what I have seen thus far is attacks (like yours above) and virtual signaling via mask. However, what I AM primarily against is government mandate and force at the point of a gun. You completely ignore the part above where it was stated that I tend to wear one, am considerate of others because I CHOOSE to, and that I think businesses should have the choice to refuse anyone…just not by government fiat via the executive branches. Please show me some of this tolerance that you apparently require from others at the point of cancel culture, but cannot manage a civil discourse yourself. I’ll wait.
Sarah • Nov 25, 2020 at 11:17 pm
So when your stupid anti masking ass is in the hospital sick and/or dying and spreading this deadly disease to medical staff taking care of your sick, stupid, selfish, ignorant ass – after they’ve seen their co workers die along with countless patients – I’m sure they will be praising your dumbass decision to catch and spread the virus. Glad you are following pseudo science (that means it’s not real) and being a selfish entitled piece of shit. I applaud you.
Word • Feb 2, 2022 at 6:53 am
You not this stupid really right? Provide one single piece of scientific data to support any of this. Not some msm clip not faucci said so. Actual data showing how cloth mask prevent anyone from passing any airborn virus. You cant because they do not do this. Surgeons dont wear them to prevent virus from spreading. Its so they do not spit where they are working. To stop water droplets. THEY SAY OF THR DAMN BOX THEY ARE USELESS IN VIRUS INCLUDING COVID 19. Yet people can see all the data read the box itself and somehow still say shit like this. Do you realize how this only make you look like a person who cant control your own life. They say be in fear you do. They say men can have babies so you believe it. Its completely insane. Your insane.. Its the vaxed masked morons getting ill. I work in a hospital. Never wear a mask and unvaxed. Guess what … Never got covid. My vaxed masked co workers all sick. Was it my fault for not wearing one. Seems not as im fine. Maybe its you vaxed maskers getting ua sick frim your pure stupidness
Rusty Shackleford • Nov 15, 2020 at 7:40 pm
Well, Angie. I am glad you learned the definition of communicable, but you may want to learn what an ad hominem is–after all, your post had much more severe ad hominem. I was merely asking for logic and reason, rather than appeals to emotion or the force of a gun. So your post wreaked of some things I would expect: dismissive comments and cancel culture. You may want to revisit the amendments, rather than vilify those who do not agree with you. Based on that alone, I would have difficulty taking you seriously as a “grown adult”.
Is ‘communicable’ where the line is drawn? Not what actually affects/kills people? Glad you are the one creating that impassible line. YOUR decisions on how you drive DO affect others (aka, auto accidents, vehicular homicide, etc). YOUR eating/activity behaviors DO influence the habits of those around you to affect their risk of stroke, heart disease, cancer, etc. If you fail to see how, next time you see a medical form, look at what is called ‘family history of x disease’. That linkage strongly correlates to genetic potential that is activated by activity and dietary habits from those close to them. And, last I checked, pick either heart disease or cancer to let me know what the rate of those deaths are in comparison. But, a number of people bypass that chain of reasoning because they I could only speculate they do not want to take personal responsibility, they may not be well read on preventative medicine, they do not realize how many people die from just heart disease/cancer, or they simply have bigger things to care about (than care about the leading killer of modern humans). Why stop at masks if there is a potential to stop other needless deaths? Add other things to the mask list, or don’t you care about people dying? There are definitely things in our control and there are definitely measure we could take on our behavior to limit them.
For the record, I am more conscientious than most. Because I CHOOSE to (or I accept the requirement if a business establishment has a rule/suggestion about their establishment–because people going into a business is a voluntary contract–not a right). The difference starts when it is compelled via executive fiats that are not laws or even created by a legislative body. Yes, there is the power there to make executive orders allowable, but we also have the three branches of government for a reason.
R • Feb 2, 2022 at 6:43 am
Well said
Justin Gagnon • Oct 30, 2020 at 9:57 am
Wearing a mask does nothing. It’s useless. It’s a violation of human rights. So instead of coughing in the open air I cough in my mask, remove it later on and touch a door knob and you contract this “disease” when you touch the door knob. It’s stupid and pointless. The government does not care about saving lives, they never have! This is about pure control and taking our rights away. And all you idiots really think your helping save lives. Let me tell you something. When you calculate the percentage of 318,000,000 people in the country who have actually caught this virus you get something like 4% last time I checked. When you dive a little deeper and take into consideration that hospitals are getting paid $13,000 for marking your granny’s death as due to COVID-19 when she really died of pneumonia, you can cut that 4% right down to about 1%. Stop being idiots, seriously.
Angie • Oct 19, 2020 at 12:49 am
Your logic is flawed.
Driving matchbox cars is not communicable. Adverse affects of fast food are not communicable. Driving accidents, cancer, heart disease are not communicable.
Big evil cars are not communicable. Two seated cars are not communicable. Driving isn’t communicable.
Pro maskers aka conscientious, grown adults are “righteous” because they are fed up with people who are ignorantly spreading a communicable disease that is killing hundreds of thousands of people.
“Your body your choice” is not how this works. “Your body” is potentially spreading a deadly virus to dozens of people in any number of ways. Right now. So it isn’t just “your body” that is affected.
I can see why non of you responded anything but ad hom to the thoughtful comment above. After reading your comments I understand why. You don’t have a leg to stand on.
Your rights? You want platitudes? Try this one.
Your liberty to swing your fists ends just where my nose begins.
You think it’s a game. Even children know better. You are the absolute worst and we won’t forget you.
anthony • May 31, 2022 at 2:19 pm
Then YOU wear a mask, and YOU stay home. It is really that simple.
Rusty Shackleford • Sep 27, 2020 at 5:09 pm
An appeal to feelings? Not a surprise. The EXACT same argument could be made for everyone driving matchbox cars and banning fast food. It’s for the public good. Driving accidents, cancer, heart disease. Pick one. Any of those kills a lot more people. So, everyone is selfish for not wanting to drive a small two seat car; without big, evil cars on the road…fewer people would die in traffic accidents. So let’s use the same logic there. Go with science and cite stats. Keep your feeling-based appeals to yourself.
b • Sep 22, 2020 at 10:00 pm
I’m not selfish. I agree that IF what reports say are true then yes, we should all wear masks… I like my subway sandwich preppers or chipotle burrito rollers to be masked(for different reasons). But I’m not going to rant if they aren’t. If I care that much I know I have the choice to go elsewhere! Perception is 9/10 reality. So don’t condemn others for what you believe to be true just because they don’t!
If you don’t wanna get sick. Stay home. If you want to tell other people how to live their lives then just stay home! Just because your opinion does not line up with theirs doesn’t make them stupid. It makes you naive for thinking they should go along with it.
And since you wanna point out that you are black I will touch on that too. WHO CARES WHAT COLOR YOU ARE?! Stop bringing it up!
BTW I always wear a mask. But I’m not going to wish others dead just because they CHOOSE not to. That is so asinine! How dare you!? At your age you should know better and you should sure as heck be ashamed for those words!
ROBERT C TAYLOR • Sep 6, 2020 at 9:50 am
The masks are just there to make noisy ass people feel comfortable these mask pussys and there dumb comments just show that a lot of people dont know how to mind there own business if your that afraid of covid19 then stay home and leave the rest of us alone
ANONYMOUS • Sep 1, 2020 at 4:43 am
it is not about self righteous. it is about doing the right thing for everyone. lives are at stake but just cos of so many people who refused to wear masks and keeps thinking masks are useless. see what happened to those countries who are not cooperating? how many died? how many poor people who cant make it through this virus? why so selfish?? to covidiots who think masks are useless … do you need the virus to be more lethal to wear masks or cos you find it not lethal enough to kill you so you dont need wear masks? that is so selfish of you. life is not yours alone. other people lives around you also matters.
misterkel • Aug 31, 2020 at 8:31 am
Pro-mask-enforcers are incredibly self-righteous. LMAO.
anonymous • Aug 21, 2020 at 4:19 am
people who refused to wear masks are very irresponsible and selfish people. they only care for themselves. yes it is their lives but if they get the virus and infect it to others who cant survive? people who refused to wear masks are indirect murderers. i wish these covidiots will wake up and start to wear masks. wearing mask is NOT about ownself but is for everyone around us. if you all want covid19 to be lessen. start by wearing masks! social distancing and hand sanitizing is equally important. when you wear a mask so it will remind you the virus is here. so many people already died just cos of people who refused to wear masks and spread the virus around. PLS DO NOT BE SELFISH! wearing masks is good for everyone and .. DONT BE MURDERERS! if you have a religion, did God teach you not to wear masks and indirectly be murderers? and hell will definitely welcome you in future even if covid19 doesnt take you away now. it is very sad that humans are so selfish but never spare a thought for the others around you. you want freedom? who doesnt want that? but fastest way of gaining back freedom is to wear masks and make this pandemic goes away!
Pear Oh Dee • Aug 14, 2020 at 6:56 pm
Enjoyed the column. I found it by searching for “Idiots that don’t wear masks” LOL
If you are interested, I posted a parody video on the subject.
“Pear Oh Dee”
Rod Sebring • Aug 6, 2020 at 5:58 pm
For all the idiots that are anti maskers and/or conspiracy theorists,, please just drop by your local hospitals, mortuary, funeral home, etc. Where do you think these people are coming from? Does it take actually seeing someone who died from Corona Virus to get you to act? And take your cohorts with you. Jam a dozen of them in your sub-compact and head on down for a look. You be careful on that 6 foot distance rule though.
anthony • May 31, 2022 at 2:23 pm
Please post one picture of the devastation, just one picture. I know 2 people that did for Covid, but this flu has been way overblown. I waiting to see a picture.
JAMES ROBB • Aug 1, 2020 at 6:28 pm
Everyone should have freedom of choice. It is your right
Slaw • Jul 30, 2020 at 5:39 am
Also, this really bothers me. You are a follower and a sheep despite your claim. You’re just following a crazy online conspiracy theory instead of science-based consensus and your own logical reasoning. Instead of thinking critically, looking at the data yourself, and drawing your own conclusions from valid sources, you blindly agree with whatever you read on some blog/facebook post/meme/radio show/etc. You aren’t making sure that what they said is true or trying to infer anything based on facts, and if it is an indoctrination scheme, then why are other countries affected. Is every other country coordinating with each other to indoctrinate us in the US. Why do other countries lift mask requirements when it is safe to do so? You aren’t alone and you are not leading with your own independent idea, so by definition, you are following something. It just is something that harms others unfortunately.
As far as what I said before and the science on masks, it isn’t perfect. It is mainly to avoid you spreading it to others, very small droplets may still get through but most you are producing don’t, and as that article notes you still have other vectors like your eyes for droplets to get in especially via your hands. That is why everyone else has to wear one to protect you from them and social distancing, washing your hands, and better tracing and testing are also all necessary in combination with masks. Each of those has been shown to reduce spread and in combination those make a greater impact.
Slaw • Jul 30, 2020 at 5:20 am
Well first of all, regardless of if you die or not from getting the virus, the chance that you spread it to dozens of other people who spread it to dozens of other people each is much higher when you yourself didn’t wear a mask. The chance that one of those hundreds of other people have a compromised immune system or are 50+ means that they likely will die. I say 50+ because people do die at higher rates in that age group. It isn’t just 70-80 year old people, although their death rate is staggeringly high. I can’t imagine that you don’t have at least one relative or friend who falls in to a higher age group. People have died across all age groups regardless. Even if you aren’t older and don’t have an underlying condition, you still can get permanent damage to your lungs, brain, or heart from the disease. So it isn’t really if you die, you die. That would be better frankly because there wouldn’t be any challenge then to this issue. That is how the first SARS worked and why Asian countries readily accept wearing masks. I wish just the idiots who didn’t wear masks died. Instead it’s if I die or not, others must die so I don’t have to wear a mask. All of that could be prevented by wearing a mask when you’re around others. It isn’t something you have to do all the time like when sitting in your home being a self-absorbed idiot.
The general idea is that if everyone wears a mask around others utilizing proper procedure not touching the front of the mask and washing your hands etc, then you avoid spreading anything to anyone else even if you don’t know you have it. That completely falls apart if even a few don’t wear masks because then they asymptomatically spread it and continue this ongoing chain of stupidity. Who wins by us not bearing with a simple inconvenience until a vaccine is available? Well, the countries that are wearing masks especially in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, etc and properly run EU countries like Germany. They are reopening their economies and they have a country-wide plan in place to protect other people and to test, trace, and isolate. Meanwhile, it will likely take at least 2 years to recover from the economic damage that we are only prolonging by not taking any and every precaution we can to stop as much spread as possible. 150,000 people have died just in our country so it isn’t if I die, I die. It is everyone else dying, many living with lifelong health issues, and some who will be fine after getting it but will give it to dozens of others who aren’t fine if they don’t take any precautions.
For the other comment, if you’re going to claim that the science doesn’t back masks and try to claim some logical high ground, at least actually use some logic and provide some evidence and logic to the contrary. Instead you just call it fake without any evidence whatsoever. To any logical observer, you’re the only one spewing pseudoscience and rather than making an argument, you’re just engaging in an ad hominem attack on the author. This pretty succinctly sums up the science:
Dan • Jul 27, 2020 at 5:53 pm
I think if you have a mask on why you worried if I have one on you can’t contract the virus. And how in hell am I going to expose someone wearing a mask. I shouldn’t be forced to wear one is my life I think this needs to happen the population on earth is too high. I think humans are a bunch of scary cats. We all going to get it what are we wearing a mask all our life. I am not like most of you I am not a follower if I die I die.
Armelle • Jul 17, 2020 at 11:43 pm
I am against masks. They do nothing but spread the virus because my natural reaction to wearing one is touching my face and messing with it.
Anthony • Jul 15, 2020 at 4:10 pm
Meanwhile, in the real-world face masks are not to prevent the spread of a supposed virus, but rather to test the indoctrination level of the masses. I think the permanent brain damage you’ve suffered wearing a face mask has trapped you in a fantasy-land, where logic and reason have no place, and you are just a useful idiot for the State pushing a pseudoscientific agenda. Perhaps people would be more willing to accept your nonsense if the science behind viral infections wasn’t so pseudoscientific. Perhaps, if the field of virology wants to have any credibility at all, they have to properly implement the isolation of such, and properly use Koch’s postulates – not some bastardized derivitive. Cheers
Dee • Jul 2, 2020 at 10:45 am
I happen to be a 72 yr old Black female and truly resent the fact that this virus is attracted to older people and those of color 🙂
I’ve seen many examples of this population acting like idiots, but this pandemic has brought out the most ridiculous.
What I would like to see is the virus attack the majority of these idiots and because they probably propagated themselves, I’m thinking just wipe out those that might generate in the future.
Horrific as it might sound, it probably would eliminate so many issues from the government down.
Those people that can’t wear a mask due to certain medical issues, should keep their asses in the house. If your condition is so bad, why risk exacerbating it with deadly virus.
Those people that think their too cute to wear one, just jumped on board because they think their ugly faces should be exposed rather than protected.
Enough about opinions. Like the old adage points out… “everybody has one”. Thanks for listening!