EDITORIAL: Join The Seahawk, build your resume and begin your career in journalism

Graphic by Genevieve Guenther

There are so many clubs jumping out to recruit students during UNC Wilmington’s bi-annual involvement fairs that it’s very likely that you will miss out on an opportunity that’s made just for you. In case you missed us, whether you’re minoring in journalism or just enjoy writing as a hobby, UNCW’s official student newspaper The Seahawk is the club for you!

UNCW has its own newsletter through the Office of University Relations that speaks for the school, which students receive formally via email. However, The Seahawk is run by and works for the students. We are a hardworking team of dedicated staff who seek to report on issues that UNCW students are affected by and that they care about.

The Seahawk encourages and welcomes all students to participate. Regardless of your age, race, sex, gender, religion, or sexual preference, your voice is as valuable as anyone else’s.

Current UNCW Spanish professor Miriam Himes is a former managing editor and opinion section editor for The Seahawk, and having an impact on your community was a big part of her experience working with the school paper.

“It’s a great space for students’ voices to be heard in university,” Himes said. “The Seahawk is published on campus and also has places off campus, so it’s read by a diverse population, not just the student body. It’s a great way to have an impact on your community, to be a part of the community, to get involved, and to make your time at UNCW worthwhile.”

Himes specifically points out the Opinion and Lifestyles sections as ways to show off your own voice. In Opinion, there are weekly columns centered around topics such as studying abroad or being a woman, and if you only need one article to tell your story, there’s space for that, too.

In the Lifestyles sections, students regularly give their interpretation and responses to movies, music, food and cultural events in the Wilmington community. Talking about voices, if you check our website during any seasonal break from school, you’ll definitely become acquainted with CJ Montague’s opinions on films.

As one might gather from Himes’ current career, a position at The Seahawk looks good on a resume, regardless of whether or not you aim to pursue a career in journalism. The current editorial board has students majoring in communication studies, business, international studies, political science, creative writing, and public health, many of whom aren’t minoring in journalism. Additionally, The Seahawk offers opportunities in marketing, photography, and videography.

Bill DiNome, UNCW’s student media coordinator, argues that the three main skills that journalists employ during their regular routine are beneficial to any student, as they are transferrable to any career path.

“They interview, they observe, and they research, and on top of that, they’re also writing it all up,” DiNome said. “Just the ability to put anything into writing means you’re developing your ability to think, because you can’t really say anything in writing if you don’t know what you need to say. What walk of life – what career – does not require all three of those things?”

If you are a journalism minor, however, you have even more reason to work with The Seahawk. For starters, this is a journalism job, and there isn’t much that looks better on a resume when applying for a journalism job than experience garnered from a previous journalism job.

Take UNCW alum Maddie Driggers for example, as she was working as the paper’s Lifestyles editor as recently as the fall 2018 semester. She currently acts as a producer for WWAY TV for the Cape Fear area, meaning she made the exciting transition right from The Seahawk to televised news.

Though we can’t promise everyone that works for The Seahawk an amazing job afterwards, there are jobs already waiting for you within our organization that can advance both your professional and academic careers. There are internships available with The Seahawk each semester that can count for class credit if you are minoring in journalism, and all of the head editor positions are paid jobs!

If the prospect of money doesn’t motivate you, consider this: writing for The Seahawk is just plain fun.

As a staff writer, you get to meet amazing people and build relationships with them. Assistant news editor Fairley Lloyd met with American political commentator Bakari Sellers for a Martin Luther King celebration in January. Sports writer Brian Carpenter got so close to the club hockey team that they held a celebration for him prior to his graduation this spring.

Even relationships within the team can feel rewarding. Though going to events and reporting on them is part of the job, members of the Seahawk staff will often attend gatherings like “Shamilton” or the Homecoming game together because we enjoy each other’s presence so much.

If working for The Seahawk sounds even remotely appealing to you, make a point to attend one of our open meetings. The staff meets on Mondays at 5 p.m. in Leutze 131.

Writing and photography contribution positions are open continuously as we grow and expand. Contributors are encouraged to cover four articles (text and/or photography) to be considered for a staff position. Contributors can receive internship credit under multiple majors through UNCW for their work with The Seahawk.

Additionally, The Seahawk is in need of a head News Editor, which is a paid position.

As we prepare for the end of the semester, The Seahawk will have many graduating editors. Upcoming opening positions include Managing Editor, Lifestyles Editor, Copy Editor, and marketing interns. Once these positions are filled, additional assistant editorial positions may become available.

Don’t be shy – give The Seahawk a try!

For questions and concerns about The Seahawk, please email [email protected] or [email protected].