Humans of the Dub: Film / Literature / Night Life in College


Photograph by Ethan Marsh, Humans of the Dub

Ethan Marsh, Humans of the Dub - Staff

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to read and write. I write poetry mostly. I like to watch Netflix. My favorite show on Netflix is “Riverdale.” But there’s a new show that just came out. Maybe not even a month ago. It was called “You.” It was super creepy. But super interesting.

So are you more into horror movies? You know, movies that keep you on the edge of your seat?

Yeah, I wouldn’t say that horror is my favorite. Not even scary, but a good mystery or a good drama for sure.

Do you like to read books of this similar genre – ones that have like social situations and things relatable to people like that?

Yeah, my second favorite author is James Patterson. And he writes crime – he’s notorious for writing crime novels and mysteries with a little bit of romance sprinkled in. So if I’m not reading him, I’m reading just really cringy teen romance novels.

Would you say that stories like movies and books, they like you said, sprinkled romance into it – Do you think they do that to make it more entertaining than it would have been without it?

Maybe not to make it more entertaining than it would have been. But I definitely think that they add that kind of aspect to gain a larger interest. So more people would want to read it because it has different aspects that more people would enjoy.

You said that you’d like to write poetry? What type of subjects do you like to write about?

Usually, my poems are about like, past love interests, or just how I’m feeling. I know, it sounds so silly. Usually all of poems – I write them as if I were giving them to somebody. So they always are to someone, whether I give them to them or not. So it’s kind of a poem written in letter form.

I started writing when I was probably a middle school, I started keeping my first journal, and I keep every single one of them. I’ve never gotten rid of one of my journals. So yeah, I don’t write every day. But I’ve definitely kept a journal for probably going on 10 years.

What are your favorite things to do for fun?

I’m a homebody so I don’t, I don’t really like to go out. I don’t like to party. I don’t like to get a frat parties. I like to go to the theater and see movies. I like to go on “adventures.” I like to be outside. I like to hike swim and do those kinds of things. In the summer when it’s warm outside. I love going to the beach and just spending a day at the beach.

Why do you think college students are so stereotypically involved in going to parties and those sort of things?

Honestly, I really don’t know. I think that they think that it’s fun. They think that it’s intriguing to go get sh*t faced, and then go home with whatever boy gives them attention at night. And I don’t – I’ve never seen the appeal to it. I don’t do drugs. I don’t drink. So I don’t know why it’s fun.

I definitely feel like I’m being in college, going to parties and everything is sort of lumped in with the college experience. So I think that once people get here, they just think that this is what they’re supposed to be doing. So they do it.