Humans of the Dub: Working in New York City / Passions / Career Center at UNCW
December 4, 2018
What was one of your first jobs that you really loved?
Photograph by Fairley Lloyd, Humans of the Dub
It would have to be production. I started working for Hot 97 and Kiss FM radio station in New York City my senior year of college. I was on the street team, and when you’re on the street team you’ve got to do promotions, give away stickers, keychains, promote the upcoming concerts, promote their shows, things of that nature.
And then, while working there, we developed a television studio and a video component. So, we had to conduct all the interviews. Like, Usher, 50 Cent, whoever came in, you know? Toni Braxton, Brandy, you name it. We were recording them, not just audio, but also visually. So, I was in charge of the lighting, the camerawork, and making sure they were mic’d up, and then editing that piece and putting it on the website.
Then advertisers were so excited, were like, ‘Oh, wait, wait, wait! We want this sponsored now.’
So, it was cool, it was fun, but when you have a sponsor who’s giving you hundreds of thousands of dollars to your company, you’ve got to make sure it’s good. But, I enjoyed it, you know? It was quick, it was New York, and you get to meet a lot of different people.
I’m not a person who gets wowed by celebrities, because they’re normal people like you and me at the end of the day. So, I think that’s how I kept my job, because when celebrities would come in, I wasn’t one who gasped. I was just like, ‘You’re normal. You just happen to have two more commas in your paycheck than I do, but we’re still here,’ and I enjoyed it, especially doing the Live Concert Series.
The Life Concert Series happens at Met Life, where the Giant and Jets play. We had to make sure that every artist that came was prepped and sound-checked. Special guests—a celebrity guest comes out—we’d have to manage it and stuff like that. It was fun.
I remember the very first one I did, I was there, I was a fan, I’m not going to lie. Diamonds Are Forever came out, with Jay-Z and Kayne West, and they were slated to play. And, all of a sudden, you just hear the beat drop, and everybody in the crowd goes nuts. And this dude stands out there, just with his sunglasses, and everybody is putting up the HOV sign. And for a moment, I was a fan. It was so epic to see 70,000 people in unison.
That was probably the most exciting. Was I getting paid crazy dollars? No, but when you do what you love, you get rewarded for it later, but the pay doesn’t matter. I mean, it helps, but I was sometimes up at two, four, going to bed at two, four a.m.! But it was a part of the job.
After that, I started teaching, which was something that was brought to me. I saw a lot of kids who were chasing artists, but some of them just didn’t have it in them to challenge themselves intellectually, or they didn’t have the proper teachers. It wasn’t their fault. If you choose not to study, that’s you, but if you have a bad teacher, that’s not your fault.
I was mad! I was like, ‘These kids!’ and someone was like, ‘Why don’t you teach?’ It was a realization for me, and I went into teaching.
I taught first grade—worst decision I made—but then I taught third, and I taught high school before going back to graduate school. I was happy that I was able to do that, because I was able to mentor and help the younger generation, to assist them.
I wasn’t trying to be a big brother, I’m sure some of them saw me as that. I wasn’t trying to be dad—some saw me as that. I was just trying to be a positive male figure, to help them get to the next level. I just have some interesting, cool stories that go along with it.
What do you love about your job right now?
I love what I do at the Career Center. I’ve been doing career counseling close to two years. I like is being able to help students with their careers and get them to think, ‘Can I get a job?’ or ‘Can I do this?’ and I’m like, ‘Yeah!’
If you’re passionate, you can find a way. It’s not always easy, it’s not always going to be easy, but if you have the proper assistance and you have the fortitude to do it. If you just keep going, even when it kind of looks bad, you can get there. People don’t get their dream job right out the gate—I didn’t—but if you really continue to work and grow, I think you’ll be a success.