Humans of the Dub: Thanksgiving Traditions / Biggest Fears / Superpowers

What are your majors?
I just switched to Elementary Education from Nursing.
I’m a Sports Management major.
What made you choose those majors?
I really just like kids, and I’ve done some internships teaching, and I’ve done summer camp counseling and really enjoyed it.
I’ve been around sports my whole life. It’s been a big part, so I figured I might as well keep it around as a career, so I thought sports management was kind of the best fit as I got older.
How do you guys know each other?
We met when the school year started, playing sand volleyball down [by the Rec Center], just by chance.
What is one thing you regret doing on campus and one thing you wish you would have done?
Something I wish I didn’t do? Pick nursing as my major to begin with! It was a regrettable decision! Something I wish I did do… I don’t know. Do you have one?
Uh. I probably would have came here instead of Cape Fear Community College.
What made you switch majors?
It was really hard and I didn’t like the science. I was in Biology and it wasn’t for me. And then they were like, ‘Yeah, there’s like, six more Biology courses!’ and I was like, ‘What?! Not for me!’
Are you pretty confident that you’re going to stay in your major now?
So, are you going to get a job down here in the south or are you thinking about moving up
north and try to start teaching there?
No! I mean, I guess the school systems are better in the north so I shouldn’t answer that too quickly but I wouldn’t want to live up north. I just grew up in the south and it’s where my family is from.
Are you going to be going home for Thanksgiving?
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
On Thanksgiving Day, we always play a football game with all of my nieces and nephews and everybody. It’s a big football game too.
I always get the drumstick. It just comes to me every year.
What’s your biggest fear?
I guess not being successful… not being able to look back and be able to know that I did everything the best I could.
Probably having regrets in the end. Like, not just going for [things in life] sometimes.
If you guys could have one superpower, what would it be?
I don’t know if it’s a superpower, but… Just having wisdom. Knowing everything that’s going on and knowing the answers to it all. Beat that.
Now I’m on the spot! I don’t have anything right now.
Where were you guys off to?
Intramural football practice.
We have a game tomorrow!
Note: This interview was completed by Humans of the Dub staff member Lisa Baxter with the help of Tara O’Neill.