Humans of the Dub: Campus Activities / Advice to Freshman


What is something you would change about UNCW?


I like the music and the bands playing down [in the amphitheater]. I think more of those activities would be pretty cool. I’m really into painting and music, and so just more art in general I think would be awesome. I loved the concert they had for Halloween. So just more stuff like that, where everybody is around to just mingle. More stuff to talk about. Also, a tiny Zaxby’s.








What’s a piece of advice you’d give to an incoming student?

I would try a large range of classes. Taking different classes really introduces you to things you didn’t think you’d be interested in. Also, work with your professors outside of class, and go to see them outside of class hours. Don’t drink too much. Limit your drinking. Moderation is my biggest advice.





Photos by McKenzie Rankin, Humans of the Dub