Construction projects continue as students return to campus

Travis Stoker

Construction continues on UNCW campus in front of McNeill Hall

August means back-to-school and back to the busy schedules of UNC Wilmington students. As the 2018-2019 academic year begins, it’s still business as usual for many construction crews around campus.

While a few projects have recently wrapped up in the past year, the building and resurfacing of two new parking lots, an indoor hitting facility, improvements to the softball field and the reopening of the intramural fields, there is still more to come.

New construction on the east side of campus may possibly hinder pedestrian movements at times, which could be a disruptor for student commutes to class during working hours.

The new building, known as Veterans Hall or the Allied Health Building, will complete the quad of academic buildings directly in front of Wagoner Hall and adjacent to the Student Recreation Center.

It is also expected to house the new Health and Human Services College, as well as the Center for Healthy Living and support space for military-affiliated students, according to UNCW.

Expected to be completed in 2020, construction vehicles can be seen moving in and out of the site, causing a nuisance to students and other pedestrians in the area.

Because of this construction, the central part of Chancellor’s Walk from Walton Drive to the center of the quad will be closed while Veterans Hall is built.

One detour route includes walking south and crossing at the Student Recreation Center before continuing past the Teaching Laboratory to rejoin Chancellor’s Walk. Another route involves crossing the intersection of Walton Drive and Cahill Drive near Seahawk Crossing and continuing down Cahill Drive towards Cameron School of Business.

Meanwhile, on the other side of campus, two new parking lots are expected to be completed by “late 2018.”

Located at the intersection of Hamilton and Hurst drive near the southernmost entrance to campus, the largest of the two parking lots will have 450 parking spaces, while the smaller of the two will have 120 parking spaces.

Also wrapping up soon is the renovation and improvement of the Greene Track and Field on the south side of campus, which includes resurfacing of the 400-meter track, additional restrooms, drainage, utilities, lighting, and fencing.

A final project of note is at Randall Library, where work has progressed on restroom renovations and additions over the summer, to prepare for the upcoming fall semester.

During the new academic year, students should always stay alert when near construction sites on campus and follow all posted signage by authorities regarding these zones.