UNCW’s [PG] chosen to compete in national collegiate dance competition
October 18, 2017
Physical Graffeeti [PG], UNCW’s campus club dance crew, has been chosen as one of 16 teams to compete in the collegiate dance competition Red Bull Bracket Reel, sponsored by Red Bull. Being chosen to compete in this competition is considered to be a great honor due to the competitive nature of the event.
In an interview with The Seahawk, PG President Devin Dixon said that “very excited” to be chosen for the competition and that the crew is “hoping to go far.”
According to The Hype Magazine, PG was chosen to compete out of over 35 schools. The schools involved in the competition were selected based on their video submission to Red Bull who critiqued the videos in three categories, which included “technique, choreography, and, quality of video editing.”
The Red Bull Bracket Reel outlines the format of the competition, which will take place over a four-week period from Oct.16 to Nov. 13. Participating crews will make original dance videos and submit them to Red Bull who will judge them based on the submissions of other schools in the bracket.
Judges for the event include “renowned Hollywood dancer and choreographer, Galen Hooks; Red Bull BC One All Star, Ronnie Abaldonado; and industry giant, Tim Milgram.” Videos submitted must be set to original Red Bull soundtracks by Tennyson, Pell, 21 Savage, and Montell2099, all of whom collaborated with Red Bull for the event.
“Every week the teams have to release a video,” Dixon said. “Three judges then score each video to account for 90 points. The remaining 10 points will then be decided by fan voting. 500 votes equates to one point.”
Dixon encouraged UNCW students to go to redbullbracketreel.com and vote for PG throughout the competition. Students are allowed to submit one vote per day and voting for the first round begins Oct. 19.