Gospel Gab: The beauty of vulnerability


Genevieve Guenther

Ava Hicks, Staff Writer

There is no doubt about it—we live in a cruelly judgmental world. The pressure to look and act a certain way is so evident in our society and is the root of significant anxiety for many people.

The concept of being vulnerable is so difficult because the idea of allowing someone to see our true selves can be terrifying. Even the most authentic people are guilty of putting on some sort of facade or acting a certain way in order to feel accepted.

When we do muster up the courage to be vulnerable, we often end up fretting over our words and wondering if we made the right decision by opening up. We end up asking if we said too much or if we came across as frail and overly emotional.

There is a distinct fear that accompanies vulnerability that makes us believe that if we reveal our flaws to others they will think less of us. The truth is anyone who does not accept you as you are, sappy emotions and all, is not someone whose opinion you should be concerned with. Those who truly care about you will listen to you when you are at your worst and cast aside all judgement.

This judgement stems from the standards set by society that call for us to be strong and put together all the time. Due to this, we tend to tie our identity to our actions and the way that other people perceive us. This causes us to wrongfully judge ourselves based off of mundane things.

What many people do not realize is that by freeing yourself from these expectations and being genuine with others, you open yourself up to establish legitimate connections. Vulnerability is truly the only way to deepen surface-level relationships.

God created us to be complex creatures with a desire to connect and intimately know one another. Just as He fully knows every part of our being and still loves us unconditionally, we are intended to practice the same form of love and acceptance with each other.

When you open up to someone and they receive you with an open heart, not only does it reassure your own soul, but it shows the other person that you truly trust them and encourages them to be vulnerable as well. Vulnerability is so contagious and once you have shared such an experience with someone you establish a unique connection that cannot be reached through shallow communication.

James 5:16 states “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” By revealing your troubles and asking for help, you open up a doorway for bounteous prayer and internal healing.

Once you have formed these spiritual connections in your life, you gain a peace of mind in knowing that you are fully accepted as you are and do not have to conform to certain expectations. This peace is reflective to God’s unequivocal devotion and how He loves us despite our sin and imperfections.