Donald Trump, The Travel Bandit

Natalie Starr | Contributing Writer

In grade school, most children are taught that America is viewed as a melting pot, where people of different cultures are all mixed together as one. However, last week, President Donald Trump issued a travel ban which may have made some individuals question the idea of the melting pot.

Trump had advocated, “The ban will help keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the U.S.,” reported CNN. Yet, his law was unplanned chaos and blocked many citizens from entering the country, many who have been living in the United States for well over a decade. In many ways it also hurt the United States. Most importantly, it hurt millions of individuals around the world.

The travel ban was made to block citizens of seven Muslim majority countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) from entering the United States for 90 days, all refugees for 120 days and an uncertain length for refugees from Syria. Green card holders (permanent U.S. residents) were being detained in airports, and tens of thousands of visas were revoked. 

Trump’s ban was made to fight terrorism, however, it ultimately enforced the deportation of many members of families that have long lived in the United States. Nobody wants terrorism, including the innocent people who originally fled to the United States because their birth country was dealing with political persecution, war or terrorism. 

It is heart-wrenching that those who came to America for a better life are now getting it taken away from them, especially being that some of them have been tax-paying citizens of the United States for years.  Yes, I said tax-paying citizens, Trump.

Trump’s ban has attempted to deface America’s beliefs and values, because the United States has long had a characteristic for being accepting of individuals from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds.

In response to the ban, thousands of people broke out in protests at airports across the country to protect their neighbors and their friends. In a time of need, people tend to unite and fight for their rights as well as others’. 

For many years, individuals of other countries have fled to America for freedom and citizenship, because their country is not safe for them. America has welcomed them with open arms, and they have since created stable lives here. This country has become their home. 

As a volatile leader attempted to take away the homes, families and jobs of Americans under the excuse that it was for American’s safety, something had to be done.  One thing is for sure: America’s values are not something that can so easily be taken away.

Federal Judge James Robert took action and temporarily has lifted the ban; however, the federal government and president are currently looking for a way to reinstate it, reported The Telegraph. 

Unsurprisingly, Trump has tweeted something as poorly planned out as the travel ban was, “Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!” 

The havoc that has occurred in the past week, was a result of the impromptu travel ban which has negatively impacted many people.  Hopefully soon, this will all be resolved, and as Bob Ferguson said, “I hope the federal government will understand what they did was unconstitutional and unlawful.”