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The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

The news site of UNC Wilmington

The Seahawk

Student body president Skyler Stein (Jamie Leigh Royal/The Seahawk)

SGA State of the Union address

Jamie Leigh Royal, Staff Writer September 26, 2024

Sept. 17 is best recognized as Constitution Day. This anniversary is celebrated in appreciation of the 39 delegates who signed the United States Constitution in 1787. As we commemorate our Constitutional...

UNCW alum, Maddie Miller, poses in front of the iconic Seahawk statue. (Courtesy of Maddie Miller, UNCW class of 2023)

Students speak out on movement of iconic Seahawk statue

Alli DeMan, Editorial Intern September 25, 2024

Stationed in the Wagoner Drive traffic circle since 2009, UNCW’s Soaring Seahawk statue has been a favorite spot for student graduation photos. Its movement to a new location on Hoggard Hall Lawn was...

This year, The Seahawk is partnering with SGA to better inform students of SGA decisions. (Gracie Davis/The Seahawk)

Sept. 10 SGA meeting

Jamie Leigh Royal, Staff Writer September 17, 2024

  On Sept. 10, the Student Government Association held their first meeting for the Fall 2024 semester. The meeting was led by Student Body Vice President Barrett Butler. It began with the routine...

Discovery Hall provides students with an abundance of study space and natural lighting. (Grace Lanham/The Seahawk)

While you’ve been gone: UNCW’s Discovery Hall addition and Randall Library renovation

Grace Lanham, Co-Editor-in-Chief September 14, 2024

On Aug. 15, 2024, UNCW’s library reopened its doors after a summer hiatus filled with remodeling and renovations, including an 80,000 square foot addition to Randall’s current library space. The...

Date rape drugs pose a grave threat to college students, and can be easily slipped into drinks undetected. (Gracie Davis/The Seahawk)

“The Red Zone,” date rape drugs and resources

Megan Eesley, Co-Editor-in-Chief September 12, 2024

As students settle into their first month of classes, campus is also bracing itself for the Red Zone. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “The Red Zone is typically thought...

University of North Carolina sign located in front of Hoggard Hall (Samantha Hill/The Seahawk)

UNC Board of Governors Committee moves to eliminate DEI policy

Samantha Hill and Jimmy Parrish May 6, 2024

On April 17, the UNC Board of Governors Committee on University Governance swiftly voted to repeal diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs in N.C. public universities-- a decision that will...

Students and faculty walking down Chancellors Walk shouting "DEI cannot go!" (Samantha Hill/The Seahawk)

BSU protest against the new UNC DEI policy change

Samantha Hill, Marketing Manager May 1, 2024

A call to action was announced on Sunday for a peaceful protest on Instagram by the UNCW Black Student Union (BSU) to protest the UNC DEI policy change that is being voted on in May. Students and faculty...

Sign outside of Randall Library. (Samantha Hill/The Seahawk)

REDdress demonstration outside of Randall Library

Samantha Hill, Marketing Manager April 25, 2024

Red dresses hang from trees outside of Randall Library flowing in the wind. The dresses stand out unnaturally against the brick building and freshly bloomed trees.  Dr. Menaka Raguparan, a fellow...

Image of the April 2 SGA Meeting where they discussed the grading point-scale change. (Jackson Davenport/The Seahawk)

SGA looks to implement universal 10-point grading scale

Jackson Davenport, News Editor April 22, 2024

The Student Government Association (SGA) unanimously passed a resolution supporting the implementation of a 10-point grading scale at UNCW on April 2.  The SGA passed the resolution in response...

Photos of

Q&A with 2024-2025 school year student body president and student body vice president

Jimmy Parrish, Staff Writer April 22, 2024

Beginning in the fall of 2024, Skyler Stein and Barrett Butler will lead the Student Government Association (SGA) in its 78th administration. The Seahawk sat down with them for an interview to discuss...

Image of emergency service vehicles outside of Morton. (Peyton James/The Seahawk)

​​COVID cluster or electrical fire?

Peyton James, Staff Writer April 16, 2024

At 7:36 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, UNCW students and staff received an email regarding a main campus-wide power outage. The headline confused several students and staff members, as the subject line...

 A recycling symbol on a blue recycling bin. (Sigmund/

UNCW Recycling enters Campus Race to Zero Waste Competition

Grace Lanham, News Editor April 9, 2024

Throughout the month of March, UNCW’s Recycling Services participated in the Campus Race to Zero Waste Electronic Recycling Competition, a North American collaborative in partnership with the National...

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