World Outside of Wilmington: Imperialistic Democracies

For many liberals and conservatives, the advantages of living in a democracy are so great that they feel the need to spread it across the globe. We are taught from day one about the importance of the American people in our government and the power of voting. Authoritative regimes or communist natured governments are repeatedly explained as a violation of human rights and the exact opposite of a government that works for the people.

Because of this, I can understand the innate desire to spread the wonders of American democracy to other regions of the world. Our capitalist work force has its weaknesses, but overall, it has been the backbone of unity throughout the nation. I would like to think that this idea of westernization is for the greater good, but in reality, it is only good in theory.

The main problem with the push towards Westernization is that it has become confused with globalization. Instead of obtaining a global society that allows diversity and understanding through interdependence, Westernization is stripping nations of their ability to perform sovereign ideas and decisions for their own country. We have somehow let Westernization and its toxicity manifest itself into the idea of globalization.

It is ridding the personal growth development of third world countries by forcing democratic ideals and mooching off of raw materials and other goods. Nations like America will offer small technological advancements to these nations as a means of trade for their valuable resources. It is an exchange that is rather unbalanced in terms of goods. Unfortunately, Americanization feeds off of the exploitation of the weak.

Western countries gain their hegemony over other states through this, and find the means to manipulate lesser nations. In turn, these developing nations become dependent on their controlling super powers, therefore hindering them in the rise of development as a nation.

Americanization is also rightfully criticized as being an imperialistic movement. With capitalism as its core motive for expansion, it becomes necessary for Westernization to spread to foreign markets. Considering it would be too hard to try and fixate all countries to turn to a capitalistic economy, we have implemented institutes to do the job for us.

Institutes like the International Monetary Fund are found guilty of enforcing their ideals onto nations that use their services. The IMF is an organization that was created to help lower income nations by providing financial stability and security through loans. 

The IMF isn’t problematic in their general intention, but rather they create issues by implementing loans that are conditional to their western beliefs. Their loans call for serious reforms to nations by requiring states to agree to their Structural Adjustment Programs. The problem with Structural Adjustment Programs is that they essentially will function to convert a country to favor the wealthy at the expense of the poor and environment.

Transforming economies and governments to mimic America have arguably caused more civil unrest than international harmony. A great example of this is what has happened in Iraq, where we have altered their government by intervening in their culture. By doing things like this, we are pushing nations towards the brink of failing.

Due to our insane history of imperialistic nature, we’ve grown even further from disagreeing nations, causing international tension and policy struggles.

As a counterargument, a disdain for the West has flourished amongst terrorist groups and political leaders.

Fidel Castro, a known enemy of the US, continues to keep his stance of defiance towards America and rejects any notion of our attempts to intrude upon their government. On a more extreme note, Cuba and other countries have been known to ban American propaganda inside their nations to discontinue our excessive push for democracy.

There are more significant cons to Westernization than there are pros, and until our political and influential leaders realize this broken way of thinking, countries will continue to suffer at the hands of nations like America.

Parts of the global community, as well as terrorist groups, have vocalized their hatred toward the US. With this, it is time we reflect further on their bitter words. These incidents are not just random, for they have been drawn out for years. We must hold America responsible for the anger and vengeance that has been vocalized.