Sept. 17 is best recognized as Constitution Day. This anniversary is celebrated in appreciation of the 39 delegates who signed the United States Constitution in 1787. As we commemorate our Constitutional rights, the students and staff of the University of North Carolina Wilmington gathered in the Clocktower Lounge for an Instagram live stream addressing the State of SGA.
The Stein/Butler Administration presented their hopes and visions for the 2024/2025 school year. The value for the student senators and staff was recognized, as well as their diligence and commitment in helping UNCW develop a brighter future.
This event began with a speech from UNCW’s Chancellor Aswani K. Volety. “When it comes to SGA, I value opinions a lot. You represent the student voices.”
As a historical moment for UNCW, Volety was delighted with the new student admission rate for this year. With a growth of up to 88.2%, nearly 5000 new students (freshman and transfer) were admitted to UNCW. Volety went on to discuss the master plan for UNCW. The new infrastructure, upon approval, will soon be in development, striving to upgrade and improve the look and function of the university to be more efficient for students, faculty, staff and visitors. He also mentioned the brand-new library that students have become familiar with: Discovery Hall.
Located in front of the Randall building, Discovery Hall has become the new hangout/study spot for students. “It is gorgeous,” Volety complimented the new structure and its functionality when walking through its halls and study rooms and being able to see students utilizing the building’s offerings and functionality.
Volety touched based briefly on the master plan and the new ideas that are being put into play for UNCW. “The goal is to invest in the areas that need one another,” Volety stated as he was coming to the end of his speech.
Looking forward to what the Stein/Butler administration has in plans, Volety turned the podium back over to the students.
Skyler Stein, student body president, majoring in political science with a minor in pre-law, was introduced to deliver a speech. He began by giving appreciation and recognition to all who are working conscientiously with the senate’s prime goal. Stein introduced the executive board starting with Student Body Vice President, Barrett Butler. Admitting that they are opposites of each other, he believes that is the reason why they are so successful in their terms and work well with each other.
Stein went on with his speech, “Reflecting on my time here at UNCW, I have built everlasting and impactful connections, engaged in multiple leadership roles, and fallen even more in love with this university. It is an honor for me to give back to the university that has made my college experience so wonderful. I would like to close out my address by issuing you all a challenge. I challenge each and every one of you in this room to stop a student and ask, what can I do for you? These six words spoken to a student who is struggling reflex so much more than a survey or an email. It shows the universal connection that makes UNCW so amazing.” Stein ended his speech by thanking the advisors for being a great support system and the attendees. He is looking forward to what the year holds and all that will be accomplished.
To see this live stream, you can visit SGA Instagram page @uncwsga or if you have any questions or concerns you can go to [email protected].