UNCW updates COVID-19 guidelines as students return to campus
Editor’s Note: A previous version of this article stated on-campus students must present proof of vaccination or get tested to return to campus, which is not correct. This article has been updated with a correction to that statement.
In a change from previous guidelines, UNCW will now require all students living on-campus to get tested for COVID-19 before returning to campus. Previous guidance stated only unvaccinated students were required to participate in return-to-campus testing.
All on-campus students must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result within three days of moving in or get tested on campus before moving in. Students that contracted COVID-19 in the past 90 days must provide proof of a positive test to be exempt from taking a test. Upon completing one of the requirements, students will receive a clearance letter that they can use to return to their on-campus residence.
These requirements must be completed by all on-campus students, regardless of vaccination status.
Guidance for vaccinated faculty, staff and off-campus students attending on-campus classes will remain the same. These groups are not required to participate in return-to-campus testing.
This guidance goes into effect with the rise of the fast-spreading omicron COVID-19 variant as students return from various places following the university’s winter break.
The university also has updated its isolation requirements. Those who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for five days instead of 10, in line with the updated CDC guidance. They are able to be released from isolation on the sixth day if they are symptom and fever free for the previous 24 hours. However, they should continue to continue to wear masks when around others whether that be outdoors or indoors, including at home.

Those who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive (closer than six feet for 15 minutes or longer) and are unvaccinated or are eligible for a booster but has not gotten it are also required to isolate for five days. They are able to be released from isolation on the sixth day if they are symptom and fever free for the previous 24 hours, and test negative. However, they should continue to continue to wear masks when around others whether that be outdoors or indoors, including at home.
Those who are vaccinated and have received their booster, if eligible, do not need to quarantine following an exposure but should wear a mask for 10 days after the exposure, as well as conduct the daily health assessment. They should get tested on day five.
Surveillance testing will continue this semester and commences on January 10. All unvaccinated students, faculty and staff will have to continue to participate in weekly surveillance testing.
As with previous semesters throughout the past two years, course modality shifts could occur especially at the beginning of the semester. Masks will also continue to be required in most indoor settings.
You can read the full guidance as sent by the Office of University Relations here.