UNCW Women’s Soccer player Audrey Harding shares what is in her bookbag
Soccer player Audrey Harding gave The Seahawk a tour of her bookbags. Find out why Harding carries two bags and what the soundtrack to her study sessions are below.

Two Bookbags.
Harding does not regularly carry two bags around campus. They were present, “because I have to stay on campus for a pick-up game later. I make one [bookbag] for school more and one for soccer to separate them.”

Pencil Pouch.
“My students and my teacher all gave me going away, end of my internship gifts, so I got this pencil pouch and a note from one of the students.” Harding was interning with a class of first graders as a part of her major in elementary education.

“Social Development” by Amanda J. Rose, Ross D. Parke and Glenn I. Roisman.
A textbook for psychology which focuses on children’s development looking at the influence of biology and the environment upon the way children view themselves and mature over time.

Water bottle.
A Gatorade water bottle coined the student athlete bottle. “Keep hydrated! That’s what my coach always says.”

Harding has a minimalist approach to decoration, with stickers sporting the names of local coffee shops. “I like Sunday’s view, but I love Social’s coffee. I like to keep it simple, just the four stickers.”
Harding has a superstition when it comes to drinking coffee during the soccer season. “I can’t drink coffee before a game, or the day of. Because I’ve never done it and if I did well with it, I would have to keep that tradition.”

Air Pods.
“I usually listen to music if I’m walking to class or studying. My favorite [country singer] is Thomas Rhett. For homework I usually do country or chill music, something easy to focus on like lo-fi.”

Clif Bar.
“After practices I usually try and have a snack before I try to do more stuff. Clif is the go-to brand, they’re pretty filling and a good bar to eat before studying or working out.”

Harding’s cleats factor into her ritual before each soccer game. “I basically wear my old ones for the first few days of preseason and switch to new ones during practices. I only wear my new cleats once a week, or so, just the day before a game. To keep them clean and fresh.”