UNCW announces in-person December commencement and extended COVID-19 guidelines
On Oct. 6, the Office of University Relations sent out an email to all students and faculty announcing December commencement ceremonies will be in person.
The email stated that both summer and fall graduates will be recognized during the commencement exercises on Dec. 11 in Trask Coliseum. The order in which the ceremonies for the different schools will occur is as follows, with the Cameron School of Business and the Watson College of Education taking place first at 9 a.m., followed by the College of Arts and Sciences at 1 p.m., and finally the College of Health and Human Services at 5 p.m.
The COVID-19 protocol for the event will require either proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID-19 test to be submitted in advance of the ceremony by graduates; guests are encouraged to do so as well, but not required. However, both graduates and guests will be required to wear a mask or face covering for the duration of the ceremony.

Graduates will be allotted a maximum of five guest tickets. The ceremony will also be broadcast live through the website linked in the email.
In other news, it was also announced later on Oct. 11, via email that due to the decrease in the trends of cases and increased vaccination rates, events and meetings on campus for UNCW departments and organizations can occur in person. The requirements for mask-wearing have remained unchanged, and vaccine clinics will continue to operate but are now offering COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for those who qualify. Instructors and faculty also still retain the right to request temporary modality modifications for the remainder of the semester.