SGA 2/16 meeting recap: Talone hopes to receive $3,000 for feminine hygiene products project

During this week’s Student Government Association’s (SGA) meeting, Matt Talone, the SGA’s president, announced that he has been working on a presentation about getting funding to provide free feminine hygiene products on UNC Wilmington’s (UNCW) campus. 

Talone mentioned that he has been working on a presentation to receive up to $3,000 to fund the menstrual hygiene project (which would provide free period products on campus) that Sabrina Balent, the SGA’s vice president, has been working on. The presentation will be presented to the budget and finance committee of the Association of Student Governments (ASG) next month.

In addition to receiving funding, Balent said in her report that her recent meeting with Katrin Wesner-Harts and Jeffrey Campbell was successful, but there is still a lot of research that needs to be done. 

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, UNCW has decided to once again hold commencement ceremonies virtually.

“Very unfortunately, there were just a lot of health concerns, I guess that they weren’t confident that they would be able to contain, but they are doing graduation boxes again,” said Talone. “So, check your email for an email from transition programs so you can get a graduation box with some goodies in it.” 

Chris Harris, the SGA’s director of sustainability, said that he will be meeting with Sharon Boyd, associate vice chancellor of business services, to discuss a carbon neutral commuter program. 

The sustainability coalition, made up of various environment campus organizations, met for the first time recently to discuss setting up events and sharing ideas on items they would like to accomplish as a whole vs as individual organizations. Lastly, Harris mentioned that he would like to set up the first Bluethenthal Wildflower Preserve cleanup day during Earth Week. 

Jake Linker, the SGA’s student services committee chair, said his committee is working on advancing the Swipes for Seahawks program this semester. 

Peter Brucia, the SGA’s senior class president, reminded anyone interested in running for the SGA president and vice president this spring how they can officially be recognized as a candidate. Further information can be found in their elections packet

To end reports, Brayden Roberge, the SGA’s freshman class president, said they are finalizing plans to host a spike ball tournament this semester to help freshmen make connections with each other. 

The SGA also swore in two new senators at this week’s meeting. Sarah Young as a sophomore class senator and Logan Shaw as an at large senator. Brucia also mentioned that they will fill one final senator position at next week’s meeting. 

The link to attend the SGA’s weekly Zoom meetings can be found on their website, alongside previous minutes, legislation and statutes.