New Hanover voter guide 2020: District and county offices

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American election mail envelopes

Once again, America has reached that hallowed event voters hold both sacred in their hearts and yet seem to dread all the same. One roadblock many Americans face when picking their candidates are not only deciding who to pick but deciphering what position they are running for in the first place. Positions that may read as trivial or, frankly, boring, have potentially the greatest effect on citizens.

Not only do local candidates have the greatest control over the facets of life that reach their citizens, but they are also more closely linked and beholden to their constituents. So instead of focusing on two candidates you already know, this guide is intended to give you a better glimpse not only at who you are voting for, but what they are running for. 

Check out The Seahawks voting guides for federal and state offices as well.  

District Offices 

In every opening for District Office, only one candidate is running. This is a friendly reminder that you do not have to vote for a candidate you do not want to.  

County Offices 


Board of Commissioners: 

Click here to get an overview of the candidates and where they stand on the issues. 

Bill Rivenbark (Republican)

Skip Watkins (Republican)

Jonathan Barfield, Jr. (Democrat)

 Leslie Cohen (Democrat)

Deb Hays (Republican)

Kyle Horton (Democrat)  

Board of Commissioners 2: 

Click here to get an overview of the candidates and where they stand on the issues. 

Stephanie Walker (Democrat)

Pete Wildeboer (Republican)

Stephanie Kraybill (Republican)

Tony McGhee (Republican)

Hugh McManus (Democrat)

Chris Meek (Democrat) 

Register of Deeds: 

Per the New Hanover County Register of Deeds, “The Register of Deeds serves as the custodian and manager for real estate related documents as well as vital records and DD214s of the county. 

Tammy T. Beasley (Republican): 

What they say about themselves:

Per the candidate’s Website“As your Register of Deeds  I am the custodian for management and safekeeping.  As your Registrar since 2012 I have been driven to hold these duties to the utmost importance and standards.  I would like to continue to serve as your Registrar. I am dedicated to the office of the Register of Deeds and our citizens. I am asking for your support and most importantly your vote.  I look forward to the election on March 3, 2020 so I can continue working for you, the citizens of New Hanover County. 

Clayton Hamerski (Democrat): 

What they say about themselves:

Per the candidate’s Website, “In my work as a Realtor, and as a Notary Public, I interact often with the Register of Deeds, and I believe there are many ways we can improve the office for all who use it. I have the leadership experience, skills and education needed to help bring the office into the 21st century.” I’m running for Register of Deeds to do something, not to be something. The Register of Deeds plays a huge role in the lives of all county residents, who use the office for marriage licenses, birth and death certificates and military discharge documents. It’s also one of the largest revenue sources for the county, producing nearly $4 million each year from fees and real estate transfer taxes.  

Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisor (Nonpartisan)  

Per the NC Department of Agriculture, “The role of a district board of supervisors is to establish local soil and water conservation priorities and oversee implementation of programs based on the needs of the district. 

Click here to get an overview of the candidates and where they stand on the issues. 

Jeremy Tominack

Robert F. Allen, Sr.

Matthew Collogan

David Dowdy