Students speak out against UNCW professor Dr. Mike Adams
A UNCW professor came under fire again after students’ brought attention to his prejudiced tweets about the Black Lives Matter movement. This sparked students and community members to share their experiences with Dr. Mike Adams, who works in the sociology and criminology department. Their outcries show a long history of problematic behavior from the professor. Three new petitions have been created to get Adams fired. Started by Jane Doe, Thomas Moore and J Smith they have all gained more than 55,000 signatures combined.

The Seahawk reached out to Adams on June 5, but Adams has not responded.
Rosemary Colen, a UNCW student and senator of the College of Arts and Sciences for the Student Government Association (SGA), reached out to The Seahawk about her feelings towards Adams.
“I believe Adams is a terrible representation of what UNCW tries to stand for. As someone who personally met professor Adams, my encounter with him was awful and he was rude. As he is someone that advocates for not being soft and easily offended, he has blocked a lot of the student body on Twitter for asking him questions or challenging his ideologies. He is not only a racist misogynistic xenophobic professor, but he’s a disrespectful individual as a whole. If UNCW wants to work on building a bridge with cultural centers and bringing in more students of color, you cannot have racist professors teaching criminology and sociology at your institution. You cannot be smart and racist, you cannot be smart and xenophobic, you cannot have this disgusting rhetoric and be in charge of teaching the next generation, he has to go or the black student body is leaving.”

UNCW Chancellor Jose V. Sartarelli released a statement regarding the Black Lives Matter movement on June 2, stating the university’s intolerance of discrimination and acts of hatred. For many students, the words feel contradictory to UNCW’s continued employment of Adams.
In a recent email Sarah Wynne, a UNCW student, sent to Chancellor Sartarelli and shared with The Seahawk, she voiced her disdain towards attending a university that lets their professors get away with intolerable behavior.
“I am genuinely ashamed that I attend a university that prioritizes money and their white male professors over the well-being of their students, faculty members, and the campus community,” wrote Wynne. “If this man is not fired by the start of the fall semester, I assure you that I, along with numerous other students who have already spoken with me about this matter, will protest. There is a new petition going around demanding him being fired. It is the fourth one to be created in the past 6 years! Chancellor, your email sent out yesterday was very eloquent and heartwarming about bringing the community together to fight against the injustices against black people right now; that email genuinely encouraged me about our campus and its values until I found out this information. Actions speak louder than words, chancellor. Make your students proud to attend this university which is praised as being one of the best in the UNC system.”
The UNCW Faculty Handbook section on termination, Article VIII: Due Process before Discharge or the Imposition of Serious Sanctions discusses the “permissible grounds for discharge from employment, suspension or demotion in rank.” Section C labels these permissible grounds as “misconduct of such a nature as to indicate that the individual is unfit to continue as a member of the faculty, including violations of professional ethics, mistreatment of students or other employees, research misconduct, financial fraud, criminal, or other illegal, inappropriate or unethical conduct. To justify serious disciplinary action, such misconduct should be either (1) sufficiently related to a faculty member’s academic responsibilities as to disqualify the individual from effective performance of university duties, or (2)sufficiently serious as to adversely reflect on the individual’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness to be a faculty member.”
On June 5, UNCW released a statement on “faculty member’s comments,” where Adams was not named. The statement read “no matter how upsetting and distasteful the comments may be, they are expressions of free speech and protected by the First Amendment.” But some students think the problem has more to do with Adams’s interactions with students and establishing a learning environment.
“While he is allowed to say what he wants on his various social media platforms, by being employed by the university as a professor he has a duty to foster a safe and caring learning environment for all students,” wrote UNCW student Jude Ramos. “His actions are in direct opposition of that duty and means he should be fired. UNCW also has the same duty and are failing to perform it by the university’s continued support of him. The Chancellor said that empty [words] would not suffice and words without action are empty words. Until actual action to promote the safety, well being and inclusion of black and brown students at UNCW [is taken], any words will feel hollow. Firing Mike Adams would be a long-overdue action in the correct direction.”
Numerous UNCW alumni have also been emailing the university and voicing their own concerns about Adams. Many have even threatened to stop supporting UNCW financially until they fire him, including a former trustee.
Even UNCW alumni Kirsten Woolpert created an email template ( calling for UNCW to fire Adams.

“Unfortunately, after 2016, complaints/petitions regarding Mike Adams dwindled down,” wrote Woolpert. “Every once in a while a petition would come up, but it never got the movement it needed, and UNCW would stay quiet on the matter. After seeing some of his tweets on my feed a few days ago, it became clear that it was time to bring action to this issue. I’m still close with many of my friends from UNCW, so we all worked together in creating this email template…UNCW has the responsibility to suspend Mike Adams from his position at UNCW and conduct a full investigation of his actions.”
This is not the first time students have spoken out against Adams and demanded his firing.
In 2016, Adams, who has been apart of UNCW’s sociology and criminology department since 1993, made headline news when he released a blog post titled “A ‘Queer Muslim’ Jihad?” in which he targeted a former UNCW student, Nada Captor, for her religious beliefs and sexual orientation.
“Mike Adams is a professor of criminology and sociology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington,” wrote Hannah Granberry on a petition she created in 2016, urging UNCW to fire Adams. “Adams has a history of spewing misogynistic, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist rhetoric. Most recently he wrote an article outing a young woman, using her full name, and mocked her sexuality and religion. Adams’s followers have since begun sending death threats to the student, who has now decided to transfer schools.”
Robert Chase, a 2016 UNCW graduate, recently took to Facebook to share about Adams and the comments he has made on Twitter. In his post, he urged people to share in hopes the university will fire Adams.

“The university put out a very bad post trying to “share the positive” in people’s inclusive experience at UNCW,” wrote Chase, referring a deleted Facebook post from UNCW. “This reminded me of Adams. I went back to the articles written about the incident in 2016 and came across a few of his racist tweets reported there concerning Black Lives Matter. This prompted me to dig deeper into this Twitter to find what else he had posted concerning people of color. He has consistently been an enemy to the concerns of POC in the name of dog-whistling racism back to his followers. If he shares his thoughts so openly there, I’m horrified to think what parts of his racist soul he imparts on his students.”
When a woman recently emailed Chancellor Sartarelli with her concerns about Adams, he then took to his public Facebook page to share her personal email and urged his followers to reach out to her (for privacy reasons The Seahawk has marked out her name and email).
According to Chase, this is not the first instance of this and mentioned that he was the student who contacted the BuzzFeed reporter responsible for an article on Adams.
“Adams, for years, has attacked several students and professors personally, by name in 2016 and 2015. When he did, he would pass off personal information to his followers to have them attack that person. One such professor was sent death threats and attacked for years. He has done this consistently since winning the law case against UNCW in 2014,” wrote Chase.
This woman, Woolpert, Colen, Wynne and Chase are not the only ones fed up with Adams’s behavior. Many others have left comments on Chase’s and various UNCW posts voicing their frustration and urging the university to fire Adams.
“[Mike Adams’s behavior has been an] important issue since day one, and should have been addressed years ago. But it is especially pertinent in this time of civil unrest and injustice that each and every one of us speaks out against those who seek to divide us. If we don’t, then no one will, and people in our communities will never feel safe or included. This division will breed hate, and hate will only lead to violence. Our country, our communities, and our schools should be better than that,” wrote UNCW student Jordan Smith.
A senior at UNCW, who would like to remain anonymous due to worries of being targeted by Adams, took Adams’s Criminal Procedure class when they transferred to UNCW.
“Adams is a super engaging lecturer,” they wrote. “It’s impossible not to pay attention. He uses a lot of his experience from his cop days in Wilmington and lives to talk about his experience living downtown. I did not know he was a racist/misogynist/transphobe until he started making sideways comments about Black Lives Matter. When I expressed my frustrations to a fellow student they were shocked I didn’t know about his infamy at UNCW and pointed me towards his twitter accounts/news articles that had been posted from his original court case against UNCW where he sued for tenure. I was shocked.”
They noted that even during her transfer orientation no one had informed her about Adams.
“He is a harsh teacher,” they wrote. “Some questions pertaining to the subject matter of the class he won’t even entertain because it doesn’t align with his views. He would target students and pick on them throughout the semester in ways that would cross the line between what is friendly and what’s taking things too far. I remember him shutting down a review session one day because I asked a question he did not want to answer and he claimed he was doing us a favor by even having a review session before he huffed and puffed out of class…I was scared to upset him because I thought he would be biased and reflect his dislike of me in his grading. I am usually very engaged in my classes but once I learned the truth about him, I kept my mouth shut.”
Adams is also a regular columnist on Townhall and in 2003 he attacked UNCW history professor Lisa Pollard. In his column, Adams criticized her for things she said at a forum the university held called “America in Iraq; What Next?” where she, in what many deemed, made unprofessional comments about the war.
Adams also sued UNCW in 2007 on the basis of religious and speech-based discrimination when he was not promoted to a full-time professor, according to the Star News. Both parties reached a settlement in 2014 where Adams received the promotion, “$50,000 in back pay and an annual salary of $75,000 – a $9,000 raise, according to the StarNews public employees salary database.”
Some students blame the university’s lack of action as allowing prejudice to fester on UNCW’s campus.
“When [the case] became too costly, they settled out of court. I believe the university is bending over backwards to a cost/value arithmetic that has allowed him to hate, attack and endanger with impunity. They value the money, time and effort it would take to dismiss him over the lives and safety of its own students,” wrote Chase.
Chase continues by pointing out the heightened pressure on the university to stand behind its statements and make changes to eradicate prejudice on campus.
“In this national moment, is it not clear that this inaction to real change only results in institutions being poisoned to the same level that led George Floyd being strangled to death…And while I know Mike Adams doesn’t have the power or position to physically harm people in the same fashion as police, I want to be made clear that he is a criminology professor. His racist interpretation of how the justice system should operate is being taught to the next generation of cops, lawyers, judges and officials that sit in his classroom. These students will fill our broken justice system for the next 60 years. In a time when this very system needs clear and drastic reform for the sake of our country, how can the university continue to allow a racist man to teach at their school?”
For many people, the solution is clear.
“Fire him,” wrote Chase. “Immediately. If the school truly values the lives of its students and will protect them, then he needs to go. Otherwise what is to stop him and his followers attacking students in the future, as they have done for nearly a decade.”
“I think as long as Mike Adams is a professor at UNCW and representing the criminology department, I cannot be proud of the school I am about to graduate from,” wrote an anonymous UNCW student. “I will not represent UNCW, I will not donate, I will not recommend them to friends. You cannot say you promote diversity and opportunity when you have someone representing you who wants to whitewash and target the very people who make UNCW diverse. He is an embarrassment to the school every time he tweets, similar to another white Republican racist/misogynist we all know. Fire Mike Adams. Take a stand UNCW.”
L. Halstead • Jul 24, 2020 at 7:40 pm
This man spoke for many of us regarding the riots and the thugs. He was correct.
Gary Lee Connor • Jul 24, 2020 at 6:02 am
A singular place with a singular idea..
Hardly a place for an exchange of ideas.
Close your doors and become a political movement.
Mike Adams • Jul 20, 2020 at 8:59 pm
As a prospective student, I wonder why some of the inappropriate statements are lumped in with perfectly appropriate statements such as ‘rioters are thugs’ which is perfectly correct. Please don’t tell me that this University supports ANTIFA.
James Weaks • Jun 23, 2020 at 10:52 pm
UNCW is blessed to have Mike Adams.
Jake Greene • Jun 9, 2020 at 6:43 am
Adams has been a cancerous growth on the school since at least as long as I was a student (BA ’04). While I’d rather the school just fire him for the academic fraud he both is and perpetuates, the best protest the students could perform would be to flood his classes at registration, never attend, and drop the class on the last day of drop/add.
Tyler Sparks • Jun 8, 2020 at 6:20 pm
I’m an alumni (2009), former Editor in Chief of Atlantis, UNCW’s Creative Magazine, and former Seahawk writer. I have made consistent quarterly financial contributions to UNCW for the past eight years because I have a sense of pride toward UNCW and I want to see this institution continue to flourish and help young people grow, learn, and contribute to society. Until today, I had never heard of Mike Adams or the ideas he uses his position at UNCW as a platform to spread.
This is not the UNCW I know. Reading Adams’ words now, I’m disappointed and angry. Moral and intellectual rot has clearly taken hold of University leadership. There is no confusing gray area around this matter; it is evident that the right decision is to fire Adams.
UNCW is at a crossroads and I, for my part, will be watching closely to see what happens. I hope University leadership come to their senses and do the right thing. Until that happens, I will no longer donate and will be working to spread awareness among my 2009 classmates so they understand what is happening and weigh whether or not UNCW is still an institution they can support.
I pray you do the right thing.
James Janson • Jun 8, 2020 at 12:14 pm
I was supposed to start at UNCW in the fall but have withdrawn my application and would never even think of stepping foot in a place like Wilmington, NC. My parents and I agree that it’s too dangerous for me to live in Wilmington if the faculty and administration of this school are representatives of the scourge of the earth that thrive in the city.
Julia • Jun 8, 2020 at 10:42 am
I will make sure my daughter never considers this University in her future plans. We do not need any more misogynistic racist actions in America. This “professor” incites violence against women. Disgusting.
Charlene Sexton • Jun 8, 2020 at 6:00 am
This man has no place in shaping young beautiful minds. I would not let him educate my children. His type of behavior is what we as a human race, are striving so rigorously to eradicate. All lives matter.
January • Jun 7, 2020 at 1:30 pm
Since they don’t want to do anything about him, stop paying to go to that school. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
Melissa Blount • Jun 6, 2020 at 6:34 pm
Good evening,
Many African American parents evaluate a potential college by the experiences of students of color who have graced your hallsin the past. I Strongly discouraged my 3 children from considering your school. I’ve heard of this professor and the lack of action taken by the administration. If a young adult doesn’t feel valued and protected enough to bring their authentic selves to school the educational experience will inevitably fall short of producing the next generation of leaders, movers and shakers. If you can’t challenge a professor and have that professor defend his or her position you are not fostering freedom of speech you are encouraging weak character and a generation of followers. I encourage you to reexamine your position and I wish you well. By the way all 3 of my children were honor and Deans list students.
Wish you well.
Donnie Trump • Jun 6, 2020 at 5:08 pm
Keep him on campus. Take his classes. Challenge the hell out of him. Free speech works both ways. He can’t fail a student because he dislikes them or disagrees with them. Man, I wish I was still a student. He would come to dislike me very much. Which would tickle me dearly. I do hope he gets what he deserves. Which is to be unemployed from UNCW. Not a good look to the university or any learning envrionment. Especially with the climate of the moment.
Anne Russell PhD • Jun 6, 2020 at 4:54 pm
As former faculty advisor to student newspapers at UNCW, UPembroke, and Barton College, and professor of journalism, I congratulate Seahawk on this article which demonstrates the vital role of a student newspaper. Keep it coming!
John doe • Jun 6, 2020 at 3:20 pm
As a UNCW alumni I am glad to see a professor not giving in the the politically correct leftist. We need more professors like him now more than ever.
SWIM • Jun 6, 2020 at 2:32 pm
I am thankful that I never had the misfortune of taking a class with Adams during my time at UNCW. After reading through these tweets, I’ve reached the conclusion that he seems like a wholly unlikeable and unapproachable individual.
That being said, I disagree with Mr. Chase who I will paraphrase as saying “UNCW must fire Adams in order to promote diversity.” I think that doing this would be the very opposite of promoting diversity, as diversity does not mean being agreeable–diversity means being diverse. Accepting that we all have different backgrounds, cultures, and opinions (no matter how ridiculous) is what contributes to a diverse society. If we fire Professor Adams, we actually make our community less diverse by silencing the voices of people with different, albeit extremely controversial, opinions.
I am a believer that everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves the right to work. Professor Adams has established through his twitter account that he is a total jerk, but does that mean we should force him to find a new way to feed his family during a global pandemic?
As a note of advice:
I found that even though Professor Adams was saying very upsetting things, I instantly felt better about it as soon as I left his Twitter page and stopped letting him consume all of my attention.
Anon • Jun 6, 2020 at 1:29 pm
As a UNCW Alumni I will not be donating anything while this guy has a job.
Joe Murray • Jun 6, 2020 at 10:55 am
I am ashamed to be an alumnus of this university -_-
George Bishop, Jr. • Jun 6, 2020 at 10:13 am
Alumni here. I’m appalled UNCW still harbors this awful professor. Why? He should be fired immediately.
Fairley • Jun 6, 2020 at 8:19 am
As a 2020 alumni and former writer at The Seahawk, I am ashamed that Adams is still allowed to teach at the school. I absolutely do not tolerate hatred and if UNCW feels the same way, they should not let someone like him teach at the institution. What kind of message are you sending to students if you say you respect others yet Mike Adams is allowed to attack people on a regular basis?
Gloria J Wright • Jun 5, 2020 at 11:31 pm
As an alumni of UNCW, I find it appalling that Mike Adams continues to use his position as a platform on which to harass and bully students and faculty, as well as to push his agenda. It is particularly disturbing to know that he is a model of someone who has worked in the criminal justice system. Not an appropriate mentor for those who wish to proceed in this profession. His posts are inappropriate and alarming. He should be immediately removed from his position.