This spring break, give yourself a break

Lisa Fotios

As college students, we are always busy. Whether we are writing essays, studying for tests, participating in extracurricular activities, working or anything else going on in our lives, it is safe to say college students are constantly working. That is what makes spring break such a wonderful reprieve from all the stress and pressures of college life.

There is always work to be done, though, and some people feel extra pressured to work just as hard, if not harder, than they do during the school weeks. With no classes in session or new assignments being assigned, some people feel the need to fill up the time and be as productive as possible. Even when spring break is over, there is still pressure to work hard during the school weeks.

This is known as “hustle culture,” and it has been on the rise on social media and other sources online recently. There are several articles on working hard to get more done. We live in a society that celebrates productivity, especially on how to be more productive. This applies to everything from a paid job to homework assignments as a full-time student to academic internships to any work in your life that is seen as “productive” in one way or another. Whatever work it is, it is not a hobby, but work, and it needs to be done as often as possible.

On the surface, hustle culture has many benefits. Everyone wishes they could get more done in the day at some time in their lives, so the idea of getting more done within the same time sounds appealing. There is a sense of accomplishment felt when you get work done, which is almost always satisfying.

But hustle culture can do more harm than good. It makes you feel the need to work all the time, even when you want a break; if you stop it is seen as a “failure” on your part. It is not possible to work 24/7 and expect to fully function, but hustle culture tells us that work is, above all else, more important. When you are constantly working, it becomes so immersive in your life that it can take over your life. This can lead to serious burnout, which causes more stress and can have detrimental effects on your mental health. Ironically this burn out makes you less effective because you will have exhausted all your resources working harder.

No one can live working all the time. It is why we have days—even weeks—off like spring break. People need time to take breaks for themselves to recharge. It is a part of human nature.

There is an argument to be made about getting more work done. But here is the thing: there is always work to be done. If you keep working to get the work done, you will be working forever. You will not have time to go to the beach, hang out at a friend’s house or just sleep in. Everything you want to do that you push off “for later” will never get done because there is always work to be done.

People need balance in their lives. We need to get work done that needs to be done, but we also need to relax. Life should be enjoyable overall, even if you are not always doing what you love. You should be able to accomplish what you want but also enjoy yourself, whether that is starting your own blog or binge-watching your favorite Netflix television series.

So, this spring break (and every other break of the year), give yourself some grace and allow yourself to take a break.