Last minute Halloween costumes


Graphic created by Brenna Flanagan with Canva.

Fairley Lloyd, Staff Writer

Halloween is only a day away and some of us have not found our costumes for this year yet. Do not stress; there are plenty of awesome, last-minute costumes you can create today. With a little bit of time and creativity, you can put together the perfect costume within a short time frame. Check out 10 last-minute Halloween costume ideas you can put together today.

1. Minnie Mouse

Why not dress up as one of Disney’s classic characters? This costume is fairly easy to make and does not take up too much time. Check out the full tutorial here.

2. Pineapple

This is a simple yet cute costume. Find a yellow dress and use felt material to create the green stem of the pineapple. The design could also work for other fruits—strawberries, grapes, peaches—with simple instructions.

Check out instructions at here.

3. Kim Possible

This is an awesome idea for 2000s kids who grew up with Disney’s classic spy show. You can find much of the outfit—the black shirt, pants—from a local shopping store.

4. Brawny Guy

This is a hilarious Halloween costume idea that many people will recognize. Like the Kim Possible outfit, you can find the shirt and jeans at department stores. Do not forget to grab a pack of Brawny Paper Towels to bring it all together!

5. Cactus

This is one of the easiest do-it-yourself costumes. Grab a large green sweater, pull white pipe cleaners through holes in a sweater, twist them, and you have this outfit! To read the full instructions, visit Flowernite on Instagram.

6. Snapchat ghost

Ghosts are classic Halloween costumes, so why not update it by dressing like the Snapchat ghost? View the tutorial at here.

7. Melissa, Sofestive, Where’s Waldo?

The signature Where’s Waldo? outfit is relatively easy to obtain without dropping a lot of cash. You can even bring your friends on the fun and have them all dress up as Waldos for a group costume. Read the instructions here.

8. Mario and Luigi

Dress up as one of the iconic Super Mario Bros, and find a friend to be your Luigi (or mix it up.) Watch the tutorial here.

9. Mermaid

Mermaids are always popular but dressing up as one seems like it would take a lot of work—unless you drop a lot of cash on a premade costume. This DIY is not labor-intensive and still pulls off the classic mermaid look. Check out the full tutorial here.

10. Mouse in a Mousetrap

Maybe you do not want to dress up as Minnie Mouse but you still want to dress up like a furry rodent. Why not dress up like a classic mouse caught in a mousetrap? Read the full tutorial here.

These are just a few of the many ideas you can use to create a quick Halloween costume for the year. Feel free to modify the suggestions, look up more or create your own from these ideas. Either way, make your Halloween costume look awesome this year and have fun!