Advice from Sally Seahawk 10/23/19 (Break-ups, boy-choices and roommate stink)

Genevieve Guenther

Sally Seahawk, Contributing Writer

I just broke up with my girlfriend and I feel completely broken.

Breakups are super hard. Whether you thought that you guys were going to be together forever or not, there is always a level of shock and disbelief when things like that come to an end. It is okay to feel broken right now but just know that you are not really broken: it is just the motions. Breakups are a harsh reality that everyone has to go through. Whether it be with significant others, friends, family members, etc. there comes a time when you begin to realize that some people do not fit in your life the way they used to. Do not worry, hun. You will get through this! Lean on your friends and make sure to not be alone for too long. Surround yourself with love and good company. Time heals all wounds.


Sally Seahawk

I’ve been talking to two boys and both are really nice. One is from my hometown and the other I met here at UNCW. I like them both, but I don’t want to hurt either of their feelings. The guy from home is so far away, and I just don’t feel like we are as compatible as I thought we were. SOS. What should I do?

Whew! Okay, honey, you have got the plot to a teen drama going on, and I know it cannot be good for your conscience. We cannot help who we fall for and how it happens. As human beings we are chemically addicted to feeling special or wanted. I would say the first thing that you need to do is to figure out how you feel and what it is that you need in this stage of your life. After you have been honest with yourself, it is time to be honest with these guys. Maybe not tell them that you are having a Twilight Saga dilemma but acknowledge how you feel and what you intend to do about it. While this may be difficult and someone’s feelings may get hurt, honesty is always the best policy. It is not up to us to decide who can and cannot handle the truth when everyone deserves it.


Sally Seahawk

My roommate has some hygienic issues, how do I break it her that she stinks? 

Alright, now this is a tricky situation. Finding a way to tell someone something that can be misconstrued as offensive and potentially hurt their feelings is like being blindfolded in a minefield. While this may be a little deceptive, you could pretend that your parent/guardian sent you both gifts that had cleanly items in them. If that does not work, then you have to resort to a sit down conversation with her. Let her know that you mean no harm and that you just want her to be great. She may get defensive, but do not feed into it: that is a natural response. Let homegirl sort through it herself and prayerfully she takes your advice seriously.


Sally Seahawk