SGA elections: Bey and Tyson team up to keep students safe on campus

Courtesy of Bey/Tyson 2019 campaign

Drizzle Bey, left, and Zachery Tyson, right.

Jonny Berrios, Staff Writer

The UNC Wilmington Student Government Association elections are in full swing.

Election polls opened Monday at 9 a.m. and will close Thursday 4 p.m. Election results will be announced at 5 p.m. in the Gateway Lounge outside of the CAIC office, which is located in the Fisher Student Center.

SGA is responsible for representing the students at UNCW. Its mission statement states:

“We, the members of the SGA, in the firm belief that Student Government can result in individual growth and is a collective advantage to the students at this University, attempt to assure that student opinion and activities are an integral part of the University community. We will ensure the development of freedom of thought, the exchange of ideas, and guarantee the rights and privileges of the students at this University.”

Drizzle Bey, a freshman, is running for SGA president. His running mate, Zachery Tyson, co-chair of the sustainability committee and a junior, is running for vice president.

“I wanted to get started in student government as early as possible,” Bey said.

Bey stated that he feels that if someone is mature and responsible they can take on positions like the student body president, regardless of age.

“Being a freshman, people may feel that you may not have a lot of leadership experience, but by running I can show that’s not the case,” Bey said.

Tyson stated that their platform focuses on sustainability, diversity, pedestrians, and new legislation. They want to promote and work with diverse organizations, as well as promote a minimalist lifestyle. The candidates hope to construct safer sidewalks and crosswalks across campus.

“We want to accommodate the skateboarders, bikers, and walkers,” Bey said. “We see on Chancellor’s (Walk) that there is a high risk of collision since they are in such close vicinity to each other.”

Their platform states that better lighting, the trimming of bushes, and more caution signs are possibilities for this issue. Also, they are pushing for bike racks to be more spread out in order to prevent traffic.

“I would say sustainability is more of our priority compared to other candidates,” Tyson said.

Tyson is also a member of Plastic Ocean Project, Surfrider Foundation and GIVE Volunteers. All three of these clubs deal with environmental sustainability. He stated his ties to these organizations will help bring about positive change.

“I do a lot of clean-ups, beach sweeps, tabling for other sustainable organizations — I just want those organizations to get the recognition that they deserve,” Tyson said.

For more info about these candidates follow @drizery2019 on Instagram.