It’s that time of year again – election season. For those of you who are discouraged or confused about voting because you’re afraid you’re not informed enough, The Seahawk has you covered. In this article, you will find information on federal, state and local candidates, plus proposed amendments that will appear on your ballot on Nov. 6.
For information on how to vote and how to register: https://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/college-resource-center/student-voting-guide/
To find your district and congressional representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
To find your polling place: https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/
Federal Elections
David Rouzer – Republican
Rouzer is the congressional member currently serving in the House of Representatives for the 7th district, which includes New Hanover County. Rouzer has served in the House since 2015, after previously serving in the North Carolina State Senate.
Where He Stands:
Rouzer has voted to restrict abortion rights and opposes same-sex marriage. He proposes funding of a border wall, limiting legal immigration and supports withholding federal funds from sanctuary cities. He opposes gun restrictions. He opposes restrictions on corporations and pesticide use in agriculture.
NRA (National Rifle Association) – opposes gun restrictions
Grass Roots North Carolina – opposes gun restrictions
Campaign For Working Family – opposes abortion rights, promotes traditional family
Learn more here: https://rouzer.house.gov/issues
Kyle Horton – Democrat
Horton is running as a first-time candidate against Rouzer for the House of Representatives seat. Horton previously worked as an internal medicine doctor.
Where She Stands:
Horton supports universal healthcare, lower prices for prescriptions, the expansion of the Civil Rights Act to include discrimination on sexual orientation and gender identity, the reduction of student loan debt and the increase of the federal minimum wage. She supports gun law reforms and the prevention of abortion through family planning methods.
Equality North Carolina – support for equal rights for the LGBTQ community
#VOTEPROCHOICE – support for abortion rights
Learn more here: https://drkyleforcongress.com/values/
David Fallin – Constitution Party
Fallin is running as part of the Constitution Party, which is based on originalist interpretations of the Constitution and other federal documents. Fallin is a small business owner with no prior political experience.
Where He Stands:
Fallin is against abortion in all cases and government regulation of public education. He believes all businesses should be free of government regulation, including healthcare and insurance agencies and opposes government intervention in the economy. Fallin supports a halt on immigration until government assistance programs are discontinued and harsher border security laws are enacted. He opposes automatic citizenship for children born in the U.S. of illegal immigrants. He opposes bilingual ballots as well. He opposes the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and believes it should be abolished.
Learn more here: http://fallinforcongress.com/index.php/issues/
North Carolina Supreme Court
Barbara Jackson – Republican
Jackson is a current associate justice on the court and has been since 2011. She claims being the only candidate that has experience on the court qualifies her as the best candidate for the court. This campaign, she is focusing on “adherence to the rule of law, fair and impartial justice and increasing the utilization of technology.”
Learn more here: http://www.justicejackson.com/
Anita Earls – Democrat
Earls has experience as a civil rights attorney where she has fought against workplace discrimination. She founded the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, a civil rights nonprofit that helps disadvantaged communities defend their political, social and economic rights. She has also challenged North Carolina’s redistricting plans, which have been criticized for giving discriminatory advantages to the Republican party.
Learn more here: https://earls4justice.com/
Christopher Anglin – Republican
Anglin is currently an attorney practicing civil, criminal and family law in state trial courts. He decided to run for the court seat to represent conservative Constitutional Republicans who feel the checks and balances of the state need to be reformed. He is focused on interpreting the law through the Constitution and not through partisan ideologies.
Learn more here: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article215757220.html
N.C. Court of Appeals – Seat One
John S. Arrowood – Democrat
Arrowood is currently on the Court of Appeals and seeking reelection. He is focused on remaining impartial in his decisions and administer justice without party affiliation. He has served as a superior court judge and appellate judge, authoring over 180 opinions. He is endorsed by the North Carolina Democratic Party.
Learn more here: http://keepjudgearrowood.org/
Andrew T. Heath – Republican
Heath is currently employed as a Superior Court Judge. He has worked as a state budget director and served as chairman on the North Carolina Industrial Commision, supervising the worker’s compensation system.
Learn more here: https://heathforjustice.com/about/
N.C. Court of Appeals – Seat Two
Jefferson G. Griffin – Republican
Griffin is currently a district court judge and provides legal assistance to soldiers in N.C. Army National Guard. As a judge, he works to protect the Constitution, judicial independence, access to justice and civic education. He is endorsed by the North Carolina Republican Party.
Learn more here: https://www.jeffersongriffin.com/
Tobias Hampson – Democrat
Hampson is an N.C State Bar Certified Appellate Specialist, which means his specialty is in appellate courts. He has represented individuals and businesses in appellate and supreme court cases throughout his career as an attorney in matters of family law, worker’s compensation, business disputes, real estate, personal injury, and criminal matters. He is endorsed by the North Carolina Democratic Party.
Learn more here: https://tobyhampsonforjudge.com/endorsements/
Sandra Alice Ray – Republican
Ray currently serves as a district court judge and she focuses on preserving individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution. She is not endorsed by a political party, but she is endorsed by the North Carolina State Troopers Association.
Learn more here: https://www.sandraaliceray.com/about_sandra
N.C. Court of Appeals – Seat Three
Chuck Kitchen – Republican
Kitchen is currently a private practice attorney that represents public officials, local governments and private parties. He has years of experience in extensive litigation cases in the district, superior and federal courts.
Learn more here: https://www.kitchenforcourtofappeals.com/about-us.html
Allegra Katherine Collins – Democrat
Collins has experience as a professor of judicial writing and appellate brief writing at Campbell Law School, as well as a former N.C. Court of Appeals law clerk. She now serves as an appellate attorney. She is endorsed by the North Carolina Democratic Party.
Learn more here: https://www.allegracollins.com/about
Michael Monaco Sr. – Libertarian
Monaco currently works in product development and was drawn to serve in order to bring an objective and independent view to the court. He wants to remain immune from partisanship. His previous experience includes working in a small general practice law firm for 15 years.
Learn more here: http://www.nc-monaco-2018.com/
Proposed Amendments
Right to Hunt and Fish
This amendment would preserve the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, and to use “traditional methods” to do so. It would also establish hunting and fishing as preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife.
Learn more here: https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_Right_to_Hunt_and_Fish_Amendment_(2018)
Changes to Current Victims’ Rights Amendment
This amendment, also referred to as Marsy’s Law, gives victims of certain crimes the right to be informed of and present at proceedings related to the accused. The victim would also be informed of the result of the case and if the accused was released, escaped or pardoned, as well as numerous other rights.
Learn more here: https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_Marsy%27s_Law_Crime_Victims_Rights_Amendment_(2018)
Cap Maximum State Income Tax at 7%
The current maximum personal and corporate income tax rate is 10%. This amendment would make the new limit at 7%. This will not reduce current tax rates, only the rate at which it could go up and only applies to state income taxes. Income taxes pay for services such as public education, health and safety. This amendment does not allow for any exceptions, so the state would have to cut funding for these services if an emergency arises.
Learn more here: https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_Income_Tax_Cap_Amendment_(2018)
Require Photographic Identification to Vote
This amendment would require you to show photographic identification to a poll-worker in order to vote in person. There are no details on which forms of identification would be accepted or how voters could acquire a form of identification for the purpose of voting.
Learn more here: https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_Voter_ID_Amendment_(2018)
Legislature to Control Judicial Appointments
This amendment would create a new process for replacing vacant seats in N.C.’s supreme, appellate and trial courts. Currently, the governor has the right to appoint a new judge to serve the remainder of a vacant seat’s term, but this amendment would give this power to the legislature. The legislature would be able to pick two finalists and the governor would have to pick from the two within ten days of the submission. With this method of appointment, judges would be able to serve a full term of four years instead of just the remainder of the term they are filling.
Learn more here: https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_Judicial_Selection_for_Midterm_Vacancies_Amendment_(2018)
Party Leaders in Legislature to Control Ethics and Elections Board Appointments Eliminate Nonpartisan Representation on Board
This amendment would change the number and process to which members are appointed to the nine-member Bipartisan Board of Ethics and Elections, which administer elections, ethics and lobbying laws. Currently, four members are picked from the two largest political parties with the ninth member being nonpartisan. This amendment would eliminate the ninth member. The legislature would also have to submit finalists to the governor from each political party, and he would have to pick from those finalists.
Learn more here: https://ballotpedia.org/North_Carolina_Legislative_Appointments_to_Elections_Board_Amendment_(2018)
*The next categories are designated only to voters registered in New Hanover County. All other voters will vote for the county offices for which they are registered in.*
Board of Commissioners
*may vote for two*
Republican Candidates
Eric Lytle: https://www.lytleforoffice.com/county-priorities/
Skip Watkins: https://www.skipwatkinsforcommissioner.com/county-issues/
Democratic Candidates
Julia Olsen-Boseman: http://www.whqr.org/post/elections-2018-julia-olson-boseman-says-past-county-state-senate-terms-qualify-her-nhc-board#stream/0
Rob Zapple: http://electrobzapple.nationbuilder.com/
Board of Education
*may vote for four*
Democratic Candidates
Stephanie Adams: https://www.stefanieadams4nhc.com/
Nelson Beaulieu: http://nelson4newhanover.com/2016/02/13/meet-nelson/
Elena Rosemond-Hoerr: https://portcitydaily.com/local-news/2018/04/20/2018-primary-elena-rosemond-hoerr-for-new-hanover-county-board-of-education/
Judy Justice: http://www.justicefornhcschools.com/
Republican Candidates
Don Hayes: https://ballotpedia.org/Don_Hayes
Bill Rivenbark: https://portcitydaily.com/local-news/2018/04/20/2018-primary-bill-rivenbark-for-new-hanover-county-board-of-education/
Bruce Shell: https://portcitydaily.com/local-news/2018/04/20/2018-primary-bruce-shell-candidate-for-re-election-new-hanover-county-board-of-education/
Janice Cavenaugh: https://ballotpedia.org/Janice_Cavenaugh
Clerk of Superior Court
Jan Giacalone Kennedy – Republican
Ed McMahon – Democrat
Don’t forget to vote on Nov. 6!